Character Generator
Bonus points
How to play
How to plan a campaign as dungeon master
Select your race
Review your choice! Is this what you wanted?
Select your class
Review your choice! Is this what you wanted?
Spend bonus points on additional abilities
Bonus abilities
Review your primary attributes and spend your remaining bonus points!
This is your character! Is it what you wanted it to be?
Your Name
You will start at Level

This work is provided under a Creative Commons BY-NC-ND 3.0 license.

It is—and always will be—free to use.

Picture of Jaorlta warrior in front of village
What is this game?
It's a free table-top role-playing game for two or more players. You create an individual character that is moved around the board, where it may perform certain actions. Monsters are moving around the board in the same way, trying to stop you. At start one person is voted on to lead the game by setting a goal for all other players. This person will also control the monsters and do his or her best to keep you from achieving your goal and winning the game.
What age would you recommend it for?
Since it requires some basic maths, it is recommended for humans of 12 years and up, or very smart dolphins.
What do I need to play?
  • A printer to print your character sheet and a pencil for each player.
  • A paper-map with rectangular or hexagonal fields (whichever you prefer).
  • Some figurines or tokens for your characters and opponents.
  • Two standard 6-sided dice are enough.
  • Optional: for your convenience you may also use 4-, and 12-sided dice.
  • Optional: A stop watch or—if you want to do it in style—a sandglass to count five minute intervals.

Nothing else is required.

Note: if you don't have a 4-sided dice, just use your standard 6-sided dice. Whenever you get a '5' or '6', just roll again.

I played 'Dungeons and Dragons' before—what is the difference?

This game is a board-game with elements of roleplay. It focusses on strategic combat and requires less "acting in character". Your personal performance as an "actor" is thus less of an issue.

The game is designed to be fast-paced. All rounds are short so that even with a big number of players nobody gets bored.

Even though it may be easier, your character does not have to stick with your "party". You can abandon your quest and just explore if you want.

The game depends much more on skill than luck. Your dice may give you a combat bonus or take it away, but you will never get a critical advantage, miss an opponent entirely, or be the victim of a critical failure. Therefore, a good strategy, tactical maneuvers, and great team-work are more important than luck.

Picture of Sera scientist in front of starry background
What is the background story?



Otherwise you may reveal this section by moving your mouse over it or tapping it with your finger.

As the 22nd century draws to a close, mankind is in a sorry state. Conflicts are frequent as greed has driven us to the brink of global catastrophe. Nevertheless, corporate life goes on and shareholder expectations need to be met. Thus, in an attempt to circumvent laws that prohibit experiments on human DNA and fetal tissue, several major corporations find themselves in a race to discover creative ways to work around the existing legal issues, by modifying animal DNA to be more "human-like" (and thus a viable source for experimentation). The so-created "hybrid" DNA turns out to be a "close-enough" match for several medical applications. However, for a long time this process has been time-consuming and expensive, since each hybrid DNA has to be tailored specifically to fit one intended purpose.
This has changed recently! A new scientific breakthrough (invented, stolen, then patented twice under different pretexts by competing companies) allows cheap, safe, and efficient genetic modifications on a much larger scale. The modification introduces severe alterations to animal DNA that make it 100% compatible with the human genome. This new DNA manipulation technique provides the market with the "one size fits all" solution businesses have been waiting for. It is universally applicable, easily modified to the customer's requirements, and suitable for a wide range of tests with no need for expensive changes.
The idea is simple: Even though it is illegal to experiment on human DNA, to experiment on animal DNA that just happens to be genetically modified to look and behave exactly like a human genome is perfectly legal.
It may have taken a genius to develop the technique, but it certainly didn't take one to figure out that growing this DNA into an actual creature could practically create anything from perfect slaves to perfect soldiers. Consequently, when one of the remaining big global players expresses an interest to purchase just that, the two major competing companies in the field present their respective best efforts to deliver what the market asks for. As always, eventually one company is chosen over the other. But all is not said and done: The promised "hybrid" creatures still need to undergo testing.
As circumstance may have it, the customer just happens to have come in possession of a seemingly barren planet, that would be perfect for a field test. Even though it is in the habitable zone, it has a toxic atmosphere, and is thus of little value. No efforts have been made to investigate, let alone colonize it. The environment of the planet is believed to be too hostile to host life as we know it. Unless, of course, you add a little twist to that life. The corporation thus decides to go ahead and use this planet to test-drive this new, promising generation of human-animal-hybrids. If they manage to live up to expectations, the company producing these fine specimen would be chosen to deliver large numbers of robust and versatile T-Hybridstm for tactical operations, exploration, and terraforming purposes—thus putting smiles on the faces of their shareholders.
The experimental hybrid races are thus placed on said planet and (just to be safe) made to worship the human military as their Gods, whose orders must not be disobeyed. These Gods, however, are not exactly benevolent. They incite conflicts between the races to test their abilities. Yet, it is just then that the military experimenters realise that there initial understanding, that the planet was uninhabited, was wrong. The planet proves to be home to primitive, yet intelligent, alien creatures, representing a form of life we never even dreamed could possibly exist. In panic, the invasion force decides to cover their asses by nuking the population from orbit. However, their success proves to be incomplete, as many of the hardy alien creatures survive this first onslaught. So instead, the military invaders decide to make the best of the situation at hand, and pit their newly acquired hybrid races against the aliens to see what happens.
In the meantime, the other human company—the one that lost the contract for a lifelong delivery of their own version of hybrids—is not ready to give up so easily. They have learned the secret location of the project and sent their top covert agent to investigate. She is to either disrupt the ongoing experiments, or (preferably) collect sufficient blackmail material to regain the previously lost, lucrative contract after all. However, the agent's craft is discovered, and has an unfortunate encounter with a bullet. Heavily damaged, it crashes on the planet. While she survives the crash, her spaceship proves to be beyond repair. In this situation she is found and saved by some of the local alien primitives, who call themselves "Serai". She finds a way to communicate with the tribe, and thus learns of the atrocities committed against them. With no other way off the planet and her own resources stretched dangerously thing, she decides to divert from her original mission and help the natives. By raiding military outposts she hopes to secure some of the so desperately needed supplies for herself.
But politics is a bitch everywhere in the galaxy, and the Serai are no exception. The Serai worship the "three disciplines of science" (Manthor, Scani, and Buhaad) above everything else. They have a legend that some day, in their hour of great need, a supreme master of knowledge would decent upon their world to unite the three primary schools of science. This master would bring their people together and finally lead those of them who are worthy to a place among the stars. Only the unworthy would be left behind.
As fate may have it, all the major political figures of the Serai (the council of the three sciences) were killed during the previous attack. This leaves a vacuum of power and somebody ought to fill it. Thus a young, ambiguous Serai apprentice approaches the strange alien agent and asks sheepishly if he would be allowed to call her "the source of great knowledge". She accepts this title, unknowing that in doing so she just declared herself to be the second coming. So, instead of helping the Serai out, she is about to become the cause of a civil war.
Meanwhile a third, hidden power had lingered in the dark, waiting for their chance… The Serai are asexual. They reproduce by giving birth to a single child. However, this child is not Serai. Instead, their offspring are "elementals": sexual creatures of extreme heat (male) and extreme cold (female). When two elementals of opposite sex join, their "melting process" creates a new Sera. After that, the cycle starts anew. Unfortunately, both elementals lose all memories of their previous life in the "melting". As this knowledge can be scary, it is decided that it would be best to not tell the elementals the story of the "birds and bees". Plus, since all knowledge is sacred to the Serai, no knowledge may ever be shared with "lesser" creatures. Such a truth can thus never be passed on to an (as of yet) unworthy elemental by any true Sera, as this would be an act of blasphemy. As a result, for all the elementals know, they see that two of them at a time enter through a certain door and neither ever returns. They feel that they are just slaves to their Serai masters. And they decide that the recent attacks have given them a chance to finally break their chains and strike back. The children of the planet are thus on the eve of a horrible mistake!
Or in other words: this world is about to go to hell in a handbasket, and they who dare to enter in this game will have front-row seats!
The background story up to this point may remain unknown to the players. As dungeon master you may choose to reveal it bit by bit while the party progresses through your campaign—or not at all.
So what (cover) story do I tell the players?
The world houses many strange species. In the golden days, they have worked together to create and guard the wild lands. During this time, they met regularly in a great capital, led by a council of dragons, where they worshipped their God and received God's demands. But all that ended during the "days of fire", when the heavens fell upon the earth and killed monsters and people alike. Their God blamed creatures named "demons". He called upon all true believers to take up arms and slay these foul beasts once and for all. But the clans of the land were divided. There were those who no longer believed in the old ways, renounced their former God, and refused to obey his commands any longer. The battles that ensued from this conflict were fierce. Long tracks of refugees fled the fighting, to start a new life elsewhere. During their exodus, some of them made an astonishing discovery. They found that the "demons" had refugees of their own. New friends who had equally fled to escape the fighting. These "demons" called themselves the "Serai" and convinced the wanderers that they meant no harm. Encouraged by this knowledge, some of people returned to the great city, determined to bring an end to a senseless war. Here they were able to convince the leader of the dragon council, the Drago Erghon, to call for a huge gathering of all clans. There Drago Erghon would propose peace between all clans and an end to the war against the Serai. Unfortunately, before the meeting had even started, a group of assassins broke into the council chambers and murdered Drago Erghon in cold blood. They fled, leaving behind a flag of the clan of Drace. The clan of the Anghai thus accused the Drace. In return the Drace accused the Anghai. Eventually the Drace left the council in protest. In their absence, the Anghai declared a state of war against all Drace and anybody who would continue to oppose the will of the one-and-only God. In return, the delegation of the Lanth Queen explained her Majesty couldn't trust anybody at this time and thus declared independence from the council. This in turn caused the Anghai and Sarthok to accuse the Lanth of backstabbing the alliance, and declared the Lanth a rogue nation. To "purge the world of all evil", Anghai forces camping nearby attacked the city of dragons, burning it to the ground. All hopes of peace had been reduced to little more than a faint memory, as the world sank even deeper into chaos at the eve of another civil war. Now, the alliance of the "Protectors of the Light", whose members still believe in the power of the "one God", are waging a holy war against the clans of the "Alliance of Shadows", who believe that this so-called God is a nothing but a lie that needs to be replaced by a new order. In between both factions are several clans who are desperately trying to remain neutral, but feel that sooner or later they might have to pick a side. The world stands on the eve of destruction. Your actions during this campaign may tip the balance of fate in favor of either side, for good or for ill.
I already have maps and figurines from other RPG games—can I use them?
How do I start the game?
Have all players create a character. While they do this, you have some time to set up the map. The map can be any size but should at least be 50x50 fields, since players can move at least 1 field per turn and you don't want to run out of space. If your map (or your table) is smaller, you can work around that problem by removing already explored parts of the map, and use them to expand it as the party moves through your world. Optionally: you may set up a stop-watch, if you wish to introduce a day-night cycle. Each day consists of 5 minutes of dawn, 10 minutes of day, 5 minutes of dusk and 10 minutes of night. You may choose to double these values if your party is playing the game for the first time, as they might need more time to discuss their progress. Notice that some nocturnal races may profit from bonuses depending on the time of day. To begin the game, choose a start where the player party is to enter the game. Go on and explain the party's goal during your campaign. But most importantly, enjoy the game!
What goal do I set for the players?
Anything you like! For example you can make them escort a group of refugees trough an area of enemies. Slay a foul princess. Rescue a fair dragon and invite him to dinner. That sort of thing.
How do I determine who's turn it is?
The characters take turns in order of their "agility" value. The player with the highest agility goes first and the one with the lowest goes last. Each character has a certain number of "action points" per turn. These action points are spent by moving, fighting, casting spells/using abilities, or performing other actions on the map. A player's turn ends, when he/she runs out of action points.
How do I move around the map?
You can move your character in horizontal, vertical, and diagonal paths. All standard tiles on the map need one action point to cross. You need two action points to cross a tile of sand, ice, water, or any other rough terrain. And you need three action points to cross a mountain tile or climb any other obstacle. If a character doesn't have enough actions points to cross a field in one turn, it means the character is too clumsy to pass, and thus has to walk around the tile. Some creatures may also have the ability to jump or fly. In this case, the tile affected by the ability always requires one action point to pass, no matter what the terrain is.
How does combat work?
There are three major actions during combat: move, attack/cast, and defend. Every time a player performs an attack, casts a spell, or assumes a defensive posture the player consumes half his or her action points. Defending always ends the player's turn. If a player has at least two action points, this player can either move-attack, attack-move, attack-attack, attack-defend, move-defend, move-move, or just defend. Miscellaneous actions, like equipping a different weapon, or drinking a potion, take up one action point each. If a player has less than half of his/her action points left, defending, casting, or attacking is no longer possible.
How do I attack?
When you "attack" you basically swing your weapon towards the enemy, or shoot your bow. Note that your bow requires line of sight to the target. Also note that your bow doesn't work as a melee weapon and vice versa. So, at some point you may find that you want to switch weapons to change your type of attack. In this case, switching your weapon will consume one action point. The damage you do to the target is calculated as follows: take your skill with the weapon you are using as base damage. Next, add the base damage of the weapon you have equiped and roll the dice indicated by the weapon bonus. The dice value is added to the attack. Finally, substract the armor value of the target from that value. This number is the damage you do to the target. Note that during a fight your weapons and armor can get damaged, which may introduce a penalty to your armor or damage bonus. If and when a weapon or armor is damaged or broken is up to the dungeon master. As the dungeon master, you may use this element to make a fight more interesting, if you feel that things are running way too smoothly for the party.
How do I use spells?
Read the description of the spell you are about to cast and follow the instruction concerning the spell's range and target. You will find the damage calculation in the spell description. If you fire the spell on a target, the damage you do is reduced by the target's spell resistance. If your spell causes elemental damage, the target's elemental resistance reduces the damage done as well. If your spell causes physical damage, the target's armor value reduces the damage. Some spells have a chance to succeed. If you have a ten-sided "probability dice" you can roll it to check whether or not your spell was successful. If you don't a ten-sided dice, you can use six-sided dice for the same effect (if you happen to throw an 11 or a 12 you just roll again). Some spells have a duration. If so, the character who casts the spell is responsible for keeping track of it. You may use some tokens as duration counters, if you happen to have them at hand. Some spells also lay traps. Again, the character who did the casting is responsible for keeping track of it. Some spells give the target a buff. And once again, the casting character is responsible for keeping track of that. If the caster forgets, it is assumed that the spell failed.
How do I defend?
Defending raises your armor value by 20% for this turn. Simply state "I defend" and that's it. The defending character is responsible for keeping track of his or her own armor bonus. If they forget, it is assumed that the defense had no effect.
What kind of monsters are there?
There are no predefined monsters at the moment. You can, however, use the character generator to create non-player characters as opponents.
I already have monsters from DnD games. Are they compatible?
Yes! But you have to adjust the stats of your monsters to match. As a rule of thumb, multiply hit-points by 5 and damage by 2, since the characters in this game are doing much more damage and rounds are shorter.
What are examples for monster stats?
A level 1 minion should have about 10 hit points, an armor value of 1, and do about 2+1d4 damage. A level 1 boss should have about 60-100 hit points, an armor value of 2, a magical resistance of 1, and do about 2+1d4 physical damage. A boss should also either be able to cast spells, or do an additional 2 elemental damage on attack. As a rule of thumb, magical resistances should be about half the armor value. In a group of attackers, you are best advised to add one opponent that does magical or elemental damage at all times, since several creatures and player characters may be immune to either physical or non-physical damage.
What is a good combat strategy?
This depends on the party. The game is set up to reward a good strategy. For example: all Serai characters are immune to physical damage. If you put them against a monster that does nothing but physical damage, there is no question who will win. You thus should use mixed groups of enemies that do both: magical and physical damage. A good combination of abilities is key to success, for both monsters and player characters alike.
How do I open chests and locks?
Each lock has a certain strength. Opening a lock takes your whole turn. If your dexterity is higher than the strength of the lock, you succeed. Otherwise you fail. Worst case, you may also try to force open the lock. In this case 10 times the lock's strength is holding against your attack. Note that if you are forcing the lock open, the dungeon master may decide that this destroys some or all of the contents inside the container.
How strong should a chest be?
This depends on the character with the highest dexterity in the party, as dexterity equals their lock picking skill. If you wish, you may have them throw a dice and add that number to the attempt, just to add a bit more of a "lucky hand" on more complicated locks. For reference, a level 1 thief will probably start with a dexterity of about 4-6. At level 5 this thief may have a value of 6-9. At level 10 your thief will have had a total of 15 bonus points to spend, and probably achieved a dexterity of 10-13 points. If the party doesn't have a thief at all, it may depend on brute force alone. The defense of the lock against being forced open is basically its hit points. A level 1 character starts with 20-50 hit points and will do about 3-5 damage on attack. So to be a challenge to a party of level 1 characters, your lock should probably have 20-50 hit points total.
How does diplomacy work?
When you have to convince a non-player character to do something they don't want to do, your success is based on two factors: can you convince your dungeon master and is your diplomacy skill high enough. Each character has a base-diplomacy of 50%. Certain abilities (like "charismatic", "repulsive", "diplomat", or "telepath") may provide bonuses. By adding these bonuses, you get the final score for the character making the attempt. Note that your diplomacy value is capped at a maximum of 90%. Do a percentage roll to see if the character's attempt in diplomacy was successful.
How does the day-night-cycle work?
The time of day progresses from night to dawn, dawn to day, day to dusk, and dusk to night. How fast the time of day changes in the game is up to the dungeon master. Some parties go faster, others need more time to discuss their approach. In general, a day-night cycle is always preferable when you need to keep a party from discussing too much. As a rule of thumb: use 120 minutes = 1 day for beginners, so that players have time to figure out how to play and iron out their strategy. This equals 10 minutes of dawn/dusk and 20 minutes of night/day. Once everybody is settled in and the game moves at a faster pace, 60 minutes = 1 day is fine.
For the most part the day-night-cycle is just a nice gimmick. It gives the dungeon master a reasonable excuse to have shops open and close, make characters get tired… that sort of thing.
However: some races have certain abilities (like "nocturnal") that may give them a bonus or a malus during day or night. (Night vision is another such ability.) During dawn and dusk, day and night bonuses do not apply. Each player is responsible for keeping track of their own bonuses. The dungeon master's responsibility begins and ends with announcing the change of day/dusk/night/dawn.
How does resting work?
If a party doesn't rest within 24 hours, they get "tired". While they are tired, all their stats are halved. This condition is "healed" by resting. Resting is done when the party finds a place to rest, like a tavern, or by setting up camp. And then they, well… "rest" and sleep/meditate for half a day.
While in camp each party member that has abilities that can be used at the camp can chose exactly one such ability to use one time. These abilities may include (depending on the character's class) fixing one broken piece of equipment, or brewing one set of potions. Or (if the party is in a tavern) do one performance for the local audience to earn some extra coin. Each of these actions requires that the character either has the ability in their stats, or can provide a reasonable explanation to the dungeon master as to why he or she should be able to do it.
If you as the DM want to make things even more interesting for your players, you may introduce a chance that the party is attacked by random monsters while they sleep. To check if they are attacked, let them roll a probability dice. The chance for an attack is determined by the DM. As a rule of thumb, 40% is a good number. This chance is reduced by 10% for each member of the party that stands watch during the night. If a party member stands watch, this member cannot use his or her special abilities at camp.
How can I make the characters search for secrets and traps?
Traps are triggered automatically unless detected. If the party has a character with the ability "detect" then this character will always detect the secret and/or trap. Otherwise they will have to actively search, in which case the DM plays the strength of the trap against the character's dexterity or their intelligence value plus a roll with a six-sided dice. Characters that have neither dexterity nor intelligence can't actively search for secrets or traps. Searching always takes the character one full round.
Some other RPG games allow so-called "assist rolls" at this point. We don't permit assists when searching for traps or secrets as this makes no sense. An assistant might be useful for smithing or baking bread, but "assisted looking" is yet unheard of.
Can a character circumvent a detected trap or closed door?
That depends on the trap! A character capable of "telekinesis" can pull a trigger behind a closed portcullis. A character who can "fly" can cross over a trap without triggering it. A character with the ability to do a "wide jump" can jump over a pressure plate without touching it. A summoner may call a minion and use it to scout the area ahead—possibly triggering a trap from a save distance. So in short: yes, characters can circumvent or remote-trigger/disarm traps using their respective abilities. What exactly they need to do obviously depends on the trap.
Can I add a custom made class?
Yes! In fact there is a class generator that allows you to do that. This generator will help you create your own class. To do so, you need to save this character generator to your computer, run the class generator, and create the class of your choice. Then copy'n'paste the generated code in the character generator's HTML-file and save your changes. (Just in case it isn't obvious: Please do NOT redistribute or sell any modified versions of the character generator. Thank you!)
Can I change/add/remove more races/classes/rules?
Yes! You can change and extend the game as you wish!
Are there any ready-to-use mods or extensions?
Not yet! There is a strategic extension underway that will allow characters to settle down, build a base, and train their own monsters. You could also introduce additional attributes to add a wider range of skill challenges. Being able to change the rules is the best part of a pen-and-paper game. Do as you like!
Attribute Start Max
Energy 5 70
Resistance 2 20
Agility 3 30
They were the first ones. The ancient ones. The ones that were there before time. They were old when even the stars were young. But whether they really don't remember where they came form or just pretend to have forgotten, nobody can tell. Because the Serai keep their secrets. From others and from each other. Once they lived in great cities grown from a seed of crystal and alive with magic. But during the days of fire these cities fell and their walls crumbled to dust. The survivors are lonely wanderers in this world. Traveling only at night, sleeping during the day. Searching for a new home and a way to restore their former glory, they will have to find new allies in order to survive. The Serai have no skin, no bones, no blood, no solid shape. They didn't simply invent magic, they ARE magic. Ordinary weapons pass right through them. Only the powers of the elements: ice and fire can do them harm. They have no material possessions, no clothes, no tools. They don't seek them. Can't touch them. Knowledge and wisdom are what they desire and value, with ever curious eyes. They have one God and its name is science. To science they dedicate their life and their passion. At the beginning of time this "God" called science had its three own prophets. These three Masters, infused with eternal wisdom, taught the first ones the knowledge of Matter (Scani), Energy (Buhaad) and Transformation (Manthor). Then, one day, they left this world forever. In parting, they handed the Serai a prophecy: That one day a fourth Master shall decent to this world. A master even greater than those that came before. This Master shall combine the three schools, teach the Serai knowledge that is beyond this world, and lead these ancient people to the stars. Could the time of the prophecy finally be upon us?
Attribute Start Max
Strength 3 30
Vitality 2 20
Intelligence 3 35
Agility 2 20
Dexterity -3 20
Amongst all creatures that the Gods hate, the Lanth occupy a special place—The feeling is mutual. Not as a result of anger or bad will. The Lanth just live in a 'community', as they call it, that doesn't care. A 'hive' is the name we have for it. Dug by its worker cast, its tunnels lead far underground, and at its heart resides the queen. It is to her and to her alone that they answer. To her alone, have they sworn loyalty. No other will be tolerated. No mortal, and most certainly no "God". Unlike the workers, the hunters and warriors of the hive can fly—even if just for short distances. The pack avoids the daylight and hunts after sunset. The prefered prey of the hive: God's favorite Anghai. Their meat tastes sweet, and their bones are easily torn from the flesh. A hunter's life is a simple one: seek your prey, wait for the pack to strike, sink your fangs into its flesh to paralyze its limbs. Then wrap it up and take it home. Yes, everything could have been so easy. A life bare of troublesome questions. But Gods don't forget. And they don't forgive.
Well—let the bastard try. But he better be sure to smite them all. Because if only one Lanth warrior survives, even a God might still learn the true meaning of pain.
Attribute Start Max
Strength 4 40
Vitality 4 40
Intelligence -5 8
Agility 2 20
Dexterity 0 20
Bravery! Honor! And loyalty! These are your duties. The scales on your body tingle at the sound of battle. Your blood answers the cry of the drums of war. Your muscles yearn to strike for your clan. Wield in valor the weapons blessed by the clan-father. Sharp be your claws, strong be the swipe of your tail, and deadly your weapon. Your will is a bow. Its strength drives fear into the hearts of those that dare oppose you. Stiffen their muscles till they move no more. Crush their bones, and break their limbs. Do the clan-father proud! Fight with honor and you shall feast with us on the blood and flesh of our foes. Fail us, my brother, and we shall be hunting you.
Attribute Start Max
Strength 2 25
Vitality 3 25
Intelligence 3 25
Agility 2 20
Sprinting 5 10
Dexterity 3 30
J'Aorla is the word for 'wood' in the old tongue. A vast forest. Wild and free, like its people hunting the great swarms of creatures that live below its branches. On all fours, if necessary, or on the back of the large Vanthu beasts they tame and ride. J'Ahla is the word for 'people' in the old tongue. A peaceful kind, that dwells in cities around the elder trees. Guarded and guided by the council of elder women that keep the old ways alive. The elder tree itself is surrounded by the 'great hall'. From here young males and females embark to face the trials of adulthood alone in the wild. And to here they shall return when they have proven themselves worthy—to the land and to their clan. J'Alta is the word for the great mountain in the old tongue. Where they mine the flesh and blood of the earth, to build the great machines they use. Like those that take the water from its source and transport it into their cities. J'Ossa is the name for the wide sea in the old tongue. All the way to its shores they travel to explore new lands, trade their goods, and share their knowledge with new friends. J'Aorlta we thus call the cat-people. The "people of land and sea" of "water and earth". The engineers of our time. The ambassadors of the future. And they? Shall call us kin.
Attribute Start Max
Strength 2 30
Vitality 4 40
Intelligence 4 30
Agility 0 10
Dragon odem 2 40
Dragon in shape, form and mind. Wise, peaceful—and at peace. With themselves. With others. With the world. Skillful craftsmen, diplomats, and builders of communities. Creators of cities cut out of the mountains. Architects of a great capital, open to all. Once devout followers of the one God. Drago Erghon, founder of the council, was perhaps the most wise and respected. Even the Drace, despite their differences, saw in him a man of honor. Legend has it that once, may it have been with valor or sheer desperation, Drago Erghon fought against a superior number of Drace warriors, to save the life of a young Jaorlta girl. He prevailed, and a "hero"—nay! A "great warrior" his enemies called him for it. They respected him in a way hardly known among their own. The assassination of Erghon and the betrayal of the council thus caught us off guard. Neither his wings, nor his fiery breath, not his teeth, not his talons, or his diplomacy were able to save him. Now, the once great capital has fallen into chaos. The council is divided. Every party accuses the other. In protest, the Drace delegation has left the chambers of the council. Shortly they will deliver an answer to the Anghai's accusations of treachery and murder. And we all know, that answer means the one thing that Erghon struggled to prevent: War!
Fire elemental
Attribute Start Max
Strength 4 30
Energy 5 50
Resistance 1 30
Agility 0 17
Born in flames, we are. Nobody remembers where we came from. As far as we can tell, we have simply always been here. Born to be slaves in the great cities of the Serai. Carrying what they could not. Building what they could not. Being their arms, their tools, their weapons. We stood watch when they slept. We did wake when they couldn't. We took up arms in their name. Until one day, like so many before, another two of our brethren were taken. Led through the halls. Escorted by our Serai masters. And the heavy portals closed upon them. We waited. And as the portal opened once more, in horror we saw that from the inside emerged two less of 'us', and in their place: one more of 'them'. Then came the days of fire, when the heavens scorched the earth. We survived even as they were struck down. Not any longer, my kinsmen, shall we weep. Not any longer shall we bow before our masters! Let us rise, my kinsmen. Let us leave these forsaken cities, leave these lands, leave the chains of slavery broken. And when we have run and can't run no more. Let us turn as one and fight!
Ice elemental
Attribute Start Max
Strength 2 25
Energy 3 60
Resistance 5 30
Agility 0 12
Born in ice, we are. Nobody remembers where we came from. As far as we can tell, we have simply always been here. Born to be slaves in the great cities of the Serai. Carrying what they could not. Building what they could not. Being their arms, their tools, their weapons. We stood watch when they slept. We did wake when they couldn't. We took up arms in their name. Until one day, like so many before, another two of our brethren were taken. Led through the halls. Escorted by our Serai masters. And the heavy portals closed upon them. We waited. And as the portal opened once more, in horror we saw that from the inside emerged two less of 'us', and in their place: one more of 'them'. Then came the days of fire, when the heavens scorched the earth. We survived even as they were struck down. Not any longer, my kinsmen, shall we weep. Not any longer shall we bow before our masters! Let us rise, my kinsmen. Let us leave these forsaken cities, leave these lands, leave the chains of slavery broken. And when we have run and can't run no more. Let us turn as one and fight!
Attribute Start Max
Strength -1 15
Vitality 2 20
Intelligence 3 50
Agility 3 20
Dexterity -2 20
There are two words Luvio used in his books to describe the Anghai: "gentle" and "loyal". Others call them both "beautiful beyond compare" and "unfortunately stuck in arrogant, illogical doctrines". The other things they say, about their appearance, is true as well. They have a strong tail instead of legs. Strong enough to grasp a branch, hold on to it, or carry it. It is also true that they have large wings. Despite all this, their actual constitution is weak, as their real power lies in a superior knowledge of magic. A power, almost as strong as their faith in their God. A faith driven by diligent, constant study of his doctrines. Criticism—or even the expression of doubt—is branded heresy, and harshly prosecuted. Being weak in body, they feel safe only when high above the ground. Up in the trees where they build their communities. All guided by one purpose: to serve their God. And to serve those who serve Him: the high-priestess and her disciple. Her apprentice. Her successor when the time has come. In their matriarchic society, men are smaller and only useful for reproduction. They are not allowed in any of the higher circles. Some even consider it a waste of time to educate them at all. In times of war, it is the religious caste that leads them into battle. Their armies advance, shielded by their Sarthok servants, which most Anghai consider an inferior race. They struggled long to "educate" these "things". With great effort they taught the primitives how to work, and asked for little but loyalty and obedience in return. Yet, some Sarthok have paid them in violence and rebellion. And what's worse: turned to blasphemy. A behavior that can't be tolerated.
Attribute Start Max
Strength 1 20
Vitality 2 20
Intelligence 3 30
Agility 1 15
Agility (in water) 3 25
Dexterity 2 20
Along the coasts, the wanderer may see distant domes of rocks and clay in calm waters of lonely bays. These are the visible parts of great underwater cities built by the Naddrak. Here they live in isolation from most of the world in their impenetrable strongholds, tucked away safely under the sea. The skin of the Naddrak people is covered in small, soft scales. Their faces feature big eyes, small ears, and gills on their neck. They are small in stature, yet skilled craftsmen. With the knowledge they acquired from passing merchants, refugees, and wanderers, they build impressive devices to travel above and below the waves. Yet visitors, even though treated friendly, are only welcome in the on-shore pavilions of this strange underwater world. Nobody that is no Naddrak has ever seen the inside of their domed submarine cities. The Naddrak treasure their secrecy, neutrality, and peace above anything else. Yet, deep in their hearts, some of them might feel that this isolation won't be enough to push back against the rising tide of war and chaos. Only rarely does one of them leave their home, and those that do tend to keep their reasons a secret.
Attribute Start Max
Strength 3 35
Strength (second pair of hands) 2 20
Vitality 4 30
Intelligence 1 25
Agility 1 20
Of all the races that Luvio described in his books "The people of the Mountains", none is equal to the proud and loyal Sarthok. Gifted with a massive body and four strong arms, one could do the work of many. They occupy the foothills, where the forest embraces the rock. Led by a shaman—a wise woman—they dwell in simple huts. During his stay, Luvio witnessed the Ordok festival, of which he wrote that the Sarthok would wake and dance all night. While the youngest stir the fire, dance around the flames, and jump across the embers, the wisest among the elders sing the songs of their forefathers. During the days they work the fields and mines in close symbiosis with the Anghai. The Sarthok protect the Anghai with hands, the Anghai serve the Sarthok with magic. When exactly that balance tipped and made the Sarthok turn slaves, none remembers. But some of us still remember when they rose. Only the younger Sarthok may have rebelled at first, but when the Anghai responded with brute, relentless force, and made these children pay the price for their disobedience in streams of blood, the elder rose as well. What the Anghai then did to these proud people, is what Luvio described as a 'tragedy'. Those who could, turned and fled to seek shelter with the Jaorlta, to avoid being captured and forced back to the farms. Of those that escaped, Luvio wrote that they brought with them in their hearts a flame of hope and a promise of a better future yet to come. But then again: Luvio was always a bit quick to predict happy endings.
Attribute Required Modifies start value Modifies max value
Strength 3 +1 +20
Vitality 3 +1 +10
Intelligence 0 -3 -10
Dexterity 2 +1 +10
Being a Drace barbarian, you are a fearless warrior of your clan. In battle you wield axes and blunt weapons. You rush into the midst of the fight with a cry on your lips and your claws aimed for their throats. Where the battle is the thickest: there they shall find you.
Can use the following items
Item type Allowed
Long-range weapons yes
Blunt weapons yes
Axes yes
Swords no
Daggers no
Staffs no
Light armor yes
Medium armor yes
Heavy armor no
Shields yes
Attribute Required Modifies start value Modifies max value
Strength 4 +1 +5
Vitality 2 +1 +5
Energy 2 +1 +5
Agility 2 +1 +10
Dexterity 0 +1 +10
Direct confrontation is not your way. You seek to seize any opportunity to get an advantage over your foe. You hide in the shadows and strike with deadly precision when they least expect it. Your daggers are as sharp as your senses, and neither tend to miss their target.
Can use the following items
Item type Allowed
Long-range weapons yes
Blunt weapons no
Axes yes
Swords yes
Daggers yes
Staffs no
Light armor yes
Medium armor no
Heavy armor no
Shields no
Attribute Required Modifies start value Modifies max value
Strength 3 +1 +20
Vitality 0 +1 +20
Energy 0 +1 +20
Dexterity 0 -1 0
You live for your people, and you fight for them. You are a proud warrior. Trained with many a weapon and protected by heavy armor, you stand tall against the storm.
Can use the following items
Item type Allowed
Long-range weapons yes
Blunt weapons yes
Axes yes
Swords yes
Daggers yes
Staffs yes
Light armor yes
Medium armor yes
Heavy armor yes
Shields yes
Attribute Required Modifies start value Modifies max value
Strength 0 0 +5
Vitality 2 0 0
Intelligence 0 -2 -8
Agility 0 +2 +10
Dexterity 3 +2 +20
They call you a thief. You call yourself an artist. You distract, you hide, you see what others do not. You wield a dagger with as much grace as you handle a lock pick. You are discreet. You are fast. And when you are gone, the only hint that you have ever been there will be an empty pocket, as another successful transaction is being closed.
Can use the following items
Item type Allowed
Long-range weapons yes
Blunt weapons no
Axes no
Swords yes
Daggers yes
Staffs no
Light armor yes
Medium armor no
Heavy armor no
Shields no
Attribute Required Modifies start value Modifies max value
Strength 3 +2 +20
Vitality 3 +2 +20
Energy 3 +2 +20
Dexterity 0 -3 -10
Is it honor your fight for? No! It is an idea. An idea of a better world, a brighter tomorrow. An understanding of right and wrong—of good and evil. You are as much a missionary as you are a fighter. And your message is simple: peace in our time. Protect the innocent, hand down justice to the wicked. And if it has to, justice will be brought by your sword.
Can use the following items
Item type Allowed
Long-range weapons yes
Blunt weapons yes
Axes yes
Swords yes
Daggers no
Staffs no
Light armor yes
Medium armor yes
Heavy armor yes
Shields yes
Attribute Required Modifies start value Modifies max value
Strength 2 +1 0
Vitality 2 +2 +10
Agility 2 +2 +10
Dexterity 2 +3 +10
All young Jaorlta undergo the trials of adulthood. They involve going to the forest, seeing the world, making new experiences, and taking your time to learn what you can. Some, however, after they have seen and learned so much, never return. They prefer to venture through this world. They seek excitement, riches, and ways to increase their knowledge. You feel this world still has so much more to give, and so much more for you to learn. This is why you went to pursue your passion. The world owes you this much. And if fortune smiles upon you, what you may owe the world in return: is to become a legend. A price, you might just be willing to pay.
Can use the following items
Item type Allowed
Long-range weapons yes
Blunt weapons yes
Axes yes
Swords yes
Daggers yes
Staffs no
Light armor yes
Medium armor yes
Heavy armor no
Shields yes
Ice Mage
Attribute Required Modifies start value Modifies max value
Strength 0 -1 -5
Energy 4 +2 +30
Resistance 1 +1 +30
Ice is your natural element. You wield it like a weapon, hurling darts of frost against your foes. You freeze them in place. You slice and dice them to size. Weather forecast: Winter is coming your way, and you are sure to stay frosty.
Can use the following items
Item type Allowed
Long-range weapons no
Blunt weapons no
Axes no
Swords no
Daggers yes
Staffs yes
Light armor no
Medium armor no
Heavy armor no
Shields no
Spell books
Fire Mage
Attribute Required Modifies start value Modifies max value
Strength 0 -2 -5
Energy 4 +3 +40
Resistance 1 0 +20
You have been working for a master of great abilities, and suffice to say: you learned a thing or two. Perhaps more, since, where your master failed in public, you succeeded in secret. Because unlike your master, you don't "do" flames—you ARE flames! You are the new chef, and this world is your kitchen. Nothing like a well timed fireball if you feel the need to turn up the heat. If there is anything or anybody begging to be grilled, roasted, sauted, cooked, melted, or flambéed: you are the answer.
Can use the following items
Item type Allowed
Long-range weapons no
Blunt weapons no
Axes no
Swords no
Daggers yes
Staffs yes
Light armor no
Medium armor no
Heavy armor no
Shields no
Spell books
Attribute Required Modifies start value Modifies max value
Energy 4 +3 +50
Resistance 0 0 +10
What is there to tell about you, that isn't obvious? You are a master of the elements. To reach this level of competence, you studied the powers of this world under the greatest of masters. It is patience and perseverance that made you an adept, and it will be more of the same that will conclude your training. This knowledge gives you a destructive power like no other. It is your passion to deepen your understanding of the elements, and improve your control over them. It is your obligation to protect this knowledge and ensure it is never abused. That is at least what you officially tell them when they ask you. But honestly? In secret, when nobody is watching? You just love to blow stuff up! Nothing is wrong with wielding a ball of flames, or calling a storm of ice. Nothing wrong at all, about loving your job!
Spell books
Air Mage
Attribute Required Modifies start value Modifies max value
Strength 0 -2 -10
Vitality 2 -1 +15
Intelligence 4 +2 +30
Dragon odem 0 +1 +10
You wield the power of the elements. Your strength is not in your weapons, but in your concentration and—if necessary—in the power of your blood. How would you like your enemies? Shredded, chilled, electrocuted, or ground to fine dust? It hardly matters, because whoever dares to oppose you, is going to get served!
Can use the following items
Item type Allowed
Long-range weapons no
Blunt weapons no
Axes no
Swords no
Daggers yes
Staffs yes
Light armor no
Medium armor no
Heavy armor no
Shields no
Spell books
Attribute Required Modifies start value Modifies max value
Strength 0 -1 -10
Vitality 2 -1 +20
Intelligence 6 +3 +30
Energy 6 +3 +40
Resistance 1 -1 +20
Fighting with your own hands is one way to do it. But fighting with the hands of another is better. You smell the fear of your foes in the dark. You make them dread the shadows. You make them weep in the face of battle. And if by then they still dare to lash out, they might come to realize that the person they just felled wasn't you, but rather one of their own. Oh, don't you worry, my dear. It is all right. Because you will make them all rise again. Very, very soon.
Can use the following items
Item type Allowed
Long-range weapons no
Blunt weapons no
Axes no
Swords no
Daggers yes
Staffs yes
Light armor yes
Medium armor no
Heavy armor no
Shields no
Spell books
Attribute Required Modifies start value Modifies max value
Intelligence 4 +1 +30
You were born a child of the forest. You learned to use its healing herbs, you learned to respect its deadly fangs. You weren't interested in the petty struggles of the outside world. Until one day this world came to find you, strike you down, and make you its captive. Well! Seems the world has gotten more than it bargained for. For they may have entered your forest expecting to find and isolated, frightened child. Yet what they found instead was a foreign land turned against them, with sticks, and roots, and beasts, and claws. For you have become the forest. And they will pay dearly for every step of the way before you eventually may allow them to find you, and deal the final blow.
Can use the following items
Item type Allowed
Long-range weapons no
Blunt weapons no
Axes no
Swords no
Daggers no
Staffs yes
Light armor yes
Medium armor no
Heavy armor no
Shields no
Spell books
Attribute Required Modifies start value Modifies max value
Strength 0 +1 +5
Vitality 0 0 +10
Intelligence 4 +2 +25
Dragon odem 0 0 +10
You are not a healer—you are a priest. Your concern is not for their body—it may rot for all you care—your concern is for their soul. You have answered a holy call. You are a devout servant of a "higher cause". The right cause that is! Not other people's blasphemy. For there is only one god and only one way. Your god and your way. You studied the scriptures, you know how to apply the rituals. You are a holy warrior. Before your might the wicked shall fall and the righteous shall rejoice! Well… if you ever come to find anybody who is as righteous as yourself, that is.
Can use the following items
Item type Allowed
Long-range weapons no
Blunt weapons yes
Axes no
Swords no
Daggers yes
Staffs yes
Light armor yes
Medium armor no
Heavy armor no
Shields no
Spell books
Attribute Required Modifies start value Modifies max value
Strength 0 -2 -10
Vitality 0 +1 -10
Intelligence 4 +1 +30
Dragon odem 0 0 +10
To heal and not to kill is your sworn oath. The staff you carry is for self defense. You wear no armor. You have studied many a sickness and know of many ailments. The life of your patients is precious to you. It is to master the art of healing for which you live and you learn. To some you may be a king, a holy man, a hero. But you dont revel in cocky titles. As for all that you care, you are merely a servant of a better tomorrow.
Can use the following items
Item type Allowed
Long-range weapons no
Blunt weapons no
Axes no
Swords no
Daggers yes
Staffs yes
Light armor yes
Medium armor no
Heavy armor no
Shields no
Spell books
Attribute Required Modifies start value Modifies max value
Strength 0 -2 -15
Vitality 0 +1 0
Intelligence 4 +1 +30
Energy 4 +3 +40
Resistance 2 -2 +20
Agility 2 -1 0
You don't see with your blinded eyes, but with your awaken mind. Your thoughts reach further into the darkness than a candle's light. Your thoughts see what is hidden from the naked eye. Your thoughts hear the unspoken whispers in another's mind. And if these whispered words are wicked, you twist them, and return them to their sender. For in your world, thoughts can kill.
Can use the following items
Item type Allowed
Long-range weapons no
Blunt weapons no
Axes no
Swords no
Daggers yes
Staffs yes
Light armor no
Medium armor no
Heavy armor no
Shields no
Spell books
Attribute Required Modifies start value Modifies max value
Energy 8 +1 +40
Resistance 0 0 +20
Agility 3 -2 0
You have learned what there is to learn. All the teachings of the three masters are yours. You can cite all the great lectures of wisdom and magic. You know every spell in the almanac. You know every incantation, every secret technique ever recorded. No doubt, soon you would have become a leader of your people. But… you just didn't feel ready yet. You felt you were unprepared—that something is missing. You felt you still had much to learn. This is why you left. You shall return to them in time. Once you armed yourself with the knowledge you seek. Once you retrieved the wisdom that won't let you rest.
Can use the following items
Item type Allowed
Long-range weapons no
Blunt weapons no
Axes no
Swords no
Daggers no
Staffs no
Light armor no
Medium armor no
Heavy armor no
Shields no
Spell books
Attribute Required Modifies start value Modifies max value
Strength 0 +1 +5
Vitality 2 0 +10
Intelligence 4 +2 +12
Dexterity 0 0 -10
You are a wise woman: A Sarthok shaman, a leader of your clan. It is you that they seek when they need healing. To you they come to be told the future of an unborn child. And it is you that they seek out when they wish for the death of a wicked foe. You deal in what ever is necessary to deliver what is best for your people. Cursing your enemies with the wave of one hand, while healing a festering wound with the other. You are a shaman, a mediator between life and death, a resident in both worlds, a weaver of creation and destruction—and this is your way.
Can use the following items
Item type Allowed
Long-range weapons no
Blunt weapons yes
Axes no
Swords no
Daggers yes
Staffs yes
Light armor yes
Medium armor no
Heavy armor no
Shields no
Spell books
Attribute Required Modifies start value Modifies max value
Strength 2 0 +7
Vitality 2 +1 +7
Intelligence 5 +2 +20
Dexterity 0 -6 -10
You can guess another's thoughts. You know when another is lying. That's why your people choose you. That's why they sent you to speak in their name. Since then, you learned much about the use of words. You can tell somebody to go to hell in a way that actually makes them look forward to the trip. You can persuade and intimidate. You can make them do what you want, see things your way, manipulate their feelings. You know how to convince and how to perceive. How to gain information and how to use it. You are a politician as much as you are an agent. You manipulate, cheat, lie, and you smile while doing so. You are a wanderer of foreign lands, with a song on your lips. You heard it once in a tavern, sung by this traitor. What were the words again? "Hail to her majesty, may somebody shave the beard on her arse!" Silly text—great tune.
Can use the following items
Item type Allowed
Long-range weapons no
Blunt weapons no
Axes no
Swords yes
Daggers yes
Staffs yes
Light armor yes
Medium armor no
Heavy armor no
Shields yes
Spell books
Attribute Required Modifies start value Modifies max value
Strength 2 +1 +5
Vitality 2 +1 +5
Intelligence 3 +1 +20
Agility 0 +1 0
Dexterity 2 +1 -5
You are a traveler and a poet. You know songs that heal, songs that comfort, songs that take fire to their hearts. And if that doesn't help, your sword also never misses its target.
Can use the following items
Item type Allowed
Long-range weapons yes
Blunt weapons no
Axes no
Swords yes
Daggers yes
Staffs no
Light armor yes
Medium armor no
Heavy armor no
Shields yes
Spell books
Attribute Required Modifies start value Modifies max value
Vitality 3 0 -10
Intelligence 6 +2 +20
You are among the highest ranking members of your people, second only to the matriarch. You are used to have your orders carried out without question. The matriarch is your superior, your mentor, your friend. As she does, you live for the light of the god of your clan, and from this light you draw your power. Your knowledge of the doctrines is profound—it knows no equal. And yet… Yet there is this… feeling that something is missing. That all of your studies somehow have left you ill-prepared. This is why you must leave. You trust the truth of the holy scriptures with your life. You trust the divine will, the divine doctrines, and the mighty blow of your staff in the upcoming journey. Of course your mentor told you to wait. She told you not to go. Maybe she fears that this journey might change you. Maybe she fears the person you may become. And maybe—just maybe—so do you.
Can use the following items
Item type Allowed
Long-range weapons yes
Blunt weapons no
Axes no
Swords no
Daggers no
Staffs yes
Light armor yes
Medium armor no
Heavy armor no
Shields no
Spell books
Attribute Required Modifies start value Modifies max value
Strength 4 +2 +15
Vitality 3 +2 +15
Intelligence 3 +1 0
Agility 3 +1 +10
Dexterity 0 -2 -10
You have seen many battles. Fought in many struggles. You collected victories, vast riches, and much honor. Your pack shouts your name. The sound drives fear into the heart of your enemies. Your arm is one with your sword. And your sword sings the melody of blood. You can hear the music of battle. It is an orchestra like no other. And for it, you shall compose a symphony.
Can use the following items
Item type Allowed
Long-range weapons yes
Blunt weapons no
Axes no
Swords yes
Daggers yes
Staffs no
Light armor yes
Medium armor yes
Heavy armor yes
Shields yes
Spell books
Shadow warrior
Attribute Required Modifies start value Modifies max value
Strength 3 +2 +10
Vitality 3 +1 +10
Intelligence 3 +1 0
Agility 2 +1 0
Dexterity 0 +1 +10
The shadows, the twilight, the morning haze. They are your allies. You travel light. Heavy armor would only hinder your step. The sound of steel in your hands or a puddle of blood on the floor would only give away that you are here. You are shrouded in shadow, clad in darkness, and your name is fear. You have been chosen, trained, and sent forth like an arrow spung from the bow. Where you originally came from, your teachers don't know. And where you are going, even you can't tell. Once the contract is sealed, you appear, you strike, and within the blink of an eye: you are gone. For you are an agent of death. And you leave nothing, but shadows.
Can use the following items
Item type Allowed
Long-range weapons yes
Blunt weapons no
Axes yes
Swords yes
Daggers yes
Staffs no
Light armor yes
Medium armor yes
Heavy armor no
Shields yes
Spell books
Attribute Required Modifies start value Modifies max value
Strength 3 +1 +10
Vitality 2 0 0
Intelligence 3 +1 +10
Agility 2 +1 +10
Dexterity 0 0 +10
Your mother taught you the ways of a mage when you were young. The elements made your bedtime stories. Then, rather than going to school, they made you join the army. Gave you a weapon. Gave you brothers. Gave you a purpose. You need to be one with the bow, they told you. You need to be one with the target, you tell them. You did away with the heavy armor they gave you. You need to stay quick on your feet. Change positions. Keep an eye on the opponent and a hand on your bow. Take the shot before they do. And if things really get a little rough? Well: then you always got that little fireball spell your mother taught you.
Can use the following items
Item type Allowed
Long-range weapons yes
Blunt weapons no
Axes no
Swords yes
Daggers yes
Staffs yes
Light armor yes
Medium armor yes
Heavy armor no
Shields yes
Spell books
Attribute Required Modifies start value Modifies max value
Strength 4 +1 +10
Vitality 3 +1 +10
Intelligence 2 +1 +20
Dexterity 0 -2 -10
You are a former citizen of the capital. You were a physician of the council and you were there when they killed him. The blood of the great Drago Erghon was on your hands when you couldn't save him. You left that day. Turned away from the great city and left it all behind. You walked till you couldn't walk any further. It was in that wild forest where you sat down. It was there that you meditated. There you perfected your art in silence and study. And from there you have returned with a purpose. And this time, you will not fail!
Can use the following items
Item type Allowed
Long-range weapons yes
Blunt weapons no
Axes yes
Swords yes
Daggers yes
Staffs no
Light armor no
Medium armor yes
Heavy armor yes
Shields yes
Spell books
Attribute Required Modifies start value Modifies max value
Strength 3 0 +10
Vitality 2 +2 +10
Intelligence 3 +1 +10
Agility 0 +1 +10
Dexterity 0 -1 -10
You saw them die. You were merely a child and left all alone. So you ran away. When you came into the forest of the Jaorlta and rested your hand on an elder tree, this was when your true heart awoke. From this moment, you knew that this was all you ever wanted to be. In this forest you found your spirit animal. You ventured across wide plains, through dark woods, and climbed tall mountains. They are your hunting grounds. You are among the finest of your clan's warriors. Skilled with every armor and every weapon, with the forces of nature on your side, you are a versatile fighter, and a deadly opponent. They call you a "bane". They call you a "warrior of the forest". But you call yourself a "hunter". And the beasts and demons of this world shall be your prey.
Can use the following items
Item type Allowed
Long-range weapons yes
Blunt weapons yes
Axes yes
Swords yes
Daggers yes
Staffs yes
Light armor yes
Medium armor yes
Heavy armor yes
Shields yes
Spell books
Attribute Required Modifies start value Modifies max value
Strength 2 0 +10
Vitality 2 +2 +20
Intelligence 3 +1 +20
Dexterity 0 -3 -10
You are a man of studies, a man of words, and a man of travel. You have gone places and seen things. You practiced with the staff, with bare hands, and brought both to perfection. These are your possessions and you have no use for any other. You consider yourself a servant. Voice and hand of reason and logic. And hope shall be your companion wherever you go.
Can use the following items
Item type Allowed
Long-range weapons no
Blunt weapons no
Axes no
Swords no
Daggers yes
Staffs yes
Light armor no
Medium armor no
Heavy armor no
Shields no
Spell books
Increased Mana
You are trained in the arcane ways and thus can channel more magic energy for your spells.
30% more mana.
Acquired Class ability
Type Passive
Once a day you can give your spirit the shape of a beast and call it to fight at your side. Your spirit-animal can't cast spells and will only do melee damage. Being a "spirit" it can pass through small obstacles. It ignores rough terrain and doesn't trigger traps. But it also can't execute tasks like pulling a lever and it can't be moved outside your sight. The spirit-animal will leave you when it is destroyed, when you die, or when the battle ends—whichever comes first.
Creates a minion with 50% of your stats that ignores
Acquired Class ability
Type Activated
Cooldown 1 day
Lanth have a venomous bite that can immobilize a victim. The victim will become stunned and unable to act until it either drops dead, or the Lanth has had a full meal—whatever comes first. While dining, the Lanth will be unable to attack or defend. It can't move either or it will have to stop draining its victim. Creatures that don't have blood, like Serai and Elementals don't taste good and are thus immune. Fun fact: Lanth are cannibals. On opportunity.
Transfer 10% of target's max HP/round up to 50% of target's max HP. Victim is stunned.
Acquired Natural ability
Type Attack
Cooldown 1 day
Lightning hands
The Sera rushes forward, forcefully pushing itself through the victims body, ripping away parts of its very soul. If the victim survives it is shocked and stunned for the next round. The field you start and the field you land on must be solid ground, passable and unoccupied. The attack is exhausting for the Sera and thus always ends your turn. Elementals and other Serai are immune.
Does 5 damage + your energy-level, costs 5 energy points. Moves through the victim and lands on the field behind.
Acquired Natural ability
Type Attack
Cooldown 5 rounds
The Fire Elemental rushes forward, burst into violent flames and passes through its victim, reassuming its solid form behind the enemy. Unlike the Serai, the Elemental does not lose energy points. Nevertheless the attack is exhausting and thus always ends your turn. Note that the field you start on and the field you land on must be solid ground, passable and unoccupied.
Does 3 fire-damage + your strength. Moves through the victim and lands on the field behind.
Acquired Natural ability
Type Attack
Cooldown 5 rounds
The Water Elemental rushes forward, burst into a wall of violent waves and washes through its victim, reassuming its solid form behind the enemy. Unlike the Serai, the Elemental does not lose energy points. Nevertheless the attack is exhausting and thus always ends your turn. Note that the field you start on and the field you land on must be solid ground, passable and unoccupied.
Does 3 water-damage + your strength. Moves through the victim and lands on the field behind.
Acquired Natural ability
Type Attack
Cooldown 5 rounds
Child of fire, born of flames. Molten rock won't harm your feet or slow your pace.
No penalties or damage when walking on volcanic or lava tiles.
Acquired Natural ability
Type Passive
You were born by the cold waters. Iced ground won't slow your feet. You walk with easy where others freeze.
No penalties when walking on snow or ice tiles.
Acquired Natural ability
Type Passive
Dragon odem
Being a Drago comes with its perks: one of which is a solid stomach that can digest almost anything. As with any living creature this results in the production of methane gas, which all Dragoi have in abundance. Another part of a Drago's daily diet is rocks, which are rich in phosphor and natural magnesium. Thus creating the ingredients for a real burner. The power of the effect can be increased by training. However: as a Drago you should always be carefull with friendly fire. Literally.
Does 4 fire damage plus your dragon odem skill. Hits 3 fields in a straight line in front of the attacker.
Acquired Natural ability
Type Attack
Cooldown 5 rounds
Nocturnal creatures are well suited for the night. Any negative effects of the dark hours don't affect them. They are more awake, more aware of their surrounding and thus more likely to defend against attacks. Yet, due to the raised alertness, they regenerate slower. During the day however they pay the price for waking through the late hours.
Higher resistance and defense during the night, but also reduced regeneration. Vision range and detection rolls get a 50% bonus during the night and in dark places.
Acquired Natural ability
Type Passive
During the night +20% Resistence and Defense; -50% regeneration
During the day -20% Resistence and Defense
You are a creature of daylight. Sunlight makes you feel relaxed. In darkness you feel uneasy. Where light is missing your eyes don't adjust to the darkness and your sight cannot reach behind your torch. Thus making you more vulnerable to attacks.
Reduced defense values during night, but higher regeneration during the day. Vision range and all detect-rolls are halved during the night and in dark places.
Acquired Natural ability
Type Passive
During the night -20% Resistence and Defense
During the day +25% regeneration
You have trained your awareness and concentration. Your eyes are used to spot movement far away. You thus can see further and catch objects in the corner of your eyes that for others are simply out of sight.
can see 3 fields further in light AND darkness 30% bonus on all detect-rolls.
Acquired Natural ability
Type Passive
You are trained in the use of staffs and wield them with more skill.
+20% increased damage when using a staff
Acquired Class ability
Type Passive
You are a master with the staff, using it with deadly force
+30% increased damage when using a staff
Acquired Class ability
Type Passive
You are trained in the use of swords and wield them with more skill.
+20% increased damage when using a sword
Acquired Class ability
Type Passive
You are a master with your weapon, using it with deadly force.
+30% increased damage when using a sword
Acquired Class ability
Type Passive
In your training you focussed on the use of daggers. This focus allows you to use advanced techniques with deadly skill.
+20% increased damage when using daggers
Acquired Class ability
Type Passive
In your training you focussed on the use of daggers and mastered this weapon type. This focus allows you to use 2 daggers in combat. When dual-wielding your damage is: base-damage of your dagger skill + dagger 1 + dagger 2. (The base damage from your dagger skill counts only once, not twice!)
+30% increased damage when using daggers. Can use 2 daggers at the same time.
Acquired Class ability
Type Passive
Axe focus
During your early years you have practiced a lot with axes. This focus gave you the knowledge of how to swing your axe with deadly force.
+20% increased damage when using an axe
Acquired Class ability
Type Passive
Ongoing training with axes has made you a master. This gave you the knowledge of how to swing your axe with deadly force.
+30% increased damage when using an axe
Acquired Class ability
Type Passive
Blunt weapon training
Your extensive use of blunt weapons has made you an expert in using them. You thus wield blunt-weaponry with bone-crushing force. Fun fact: A "blunt axe" is not a blunt-weapon—it is a broken axe. Find a blacksmith. Attaching a frying pan to your axe doesn't make it a blunt-weapon either. Instead it makes you bang you head against the pan every time you try to strike.
+20% increased damage when using a blunt weapon
Acquired Class ability
Type Passive
Blunt weapon master
Your extensive use of blunt weapons has made you a master. You thus wield them with bone-crushing force.
+30% increased damage when using a blunt weapon
Acquired Class ability
Type Passive
You have been trained by a master in the secret techniques exploiting the weaknesses of your enemy. You thus use your hands and feet like deadly weapons.
+30% increased damage when unarmed
Acquired Class ability
Type Passive
You have mastered the secret techniques exploiting the weaknesses of your enemy. You thus use your hands and feet like deadly weapons.
+50% increased damage when unarmed
Acquired Class ability
Type Passive
You have been trained in the use of bow, keeping track of targets and guessing distances. You are thus more deadly when wielding a long-range weapon like a bow.
+20% increased damage when using long-range weapons
Acquired Class ability
Type Passive
You have mastered your weapon. You are thus more deadly when wielding a long-range weapon like a bow.
+40% increased damage when using long-range weapons
Acquired Class ability
Type Passive
No long-range weapons
Some people are unable to handle bows or similar weapons. Some for anatomical reasons, others because they decided that killing an enemy from a distance lacks the honor of a face-to-face fight.
unable to use long range weapons
Acquired Natural ability
Type Passive
Your kind is more brains than muscles. You make less versatile melee fighters and are better off keeping the enemy at a distance.
-20% melee damage, can't use heavy armor
Acquired Natural ability
Type Passive
Your kind is healthier and more muscular. You can stand where others would have fallen. This ability makes you a more capable fighter, able to take and do more damage.
+20% more hit points, +10% melee damage
Acquired Natural ability
Type Passive
Being trained in words you find it easier to convince others to see things your way.
25% bonus on diplomacy-rolls and a 10% discount on shop prices
Acquired Class ability
Type Passive
You have developed a rather non-empathic attitude. You find it hard to relate to other people's feelings and often fail to hit the right tone in conversations.
25% malus on diplomacy-rolls and 10% higher shop prices
Acquired Class ability
Type Passive
Afraid of Fire
Fire is your critical weakness and you avoid contact with it at all cost. You cannot develope a resistance to it and contact with it damages you more than others.
2 additional fire damage/round when on a lava-tile
Acquired Natural ability
Type Passive
Afraid of Water
You like it warm and dry and avoid deep waters at all cost. It's bad enough when you still got solid ground under your feet, but swimming or even diving is out of the question. You also cannot develope a resistance to this element and if tossed into deep waters will start to drown unless given help.
can't learn to "swim", dive or enter deep waters
Acquired Natural ability
Type Passive
Your species can jump and glide through the air over short distances. You also can reach high-up places double the height of a normal jump by flapping your wings a few times. True: this isn't exactly the same as "flying like a bird". Face it: you are far too heavy to hover in mid-air and mock your opponents while staying out of reach of their ground-attacks. But you still have some advantages over the normal "ground-walking" population. You can jump and glide over low obstacles instead of having to walk around them. Rough ground like swamps or ice can't slow you down. You also don't take damage when you fall and trap-doors are no threat to you either.
terrain maluses don't apply, no falling damage.
Acquired Natural ability
Type Passive
Trained rock-climber
You have been trained how to walk and climb safely in the mountains. You know how to tell whether a stone is safe to climb or jump on and when it is not. You thus journey more quickly when on rocky ground and are less likely to fall.
malus for moving on mountain terrain is reduced by 1 point, 50% bonus to saving-throws against falling
Acquired Can be learned from a Trainer
Type Passive
Trained swimmer
Without this training the best you could have done is randomly wave your arms in a futile attempt not to sink. But fortunately you have been trained how to swim. Properly. You will not drown as easily and can even dive for a short time. However: if you are afraid of water, you cannot acquire this ability.
Malus for moving in shallow water is reduced by 1 point. Can enter deep water. 50% bonus to saving-throws against drowning.
Acquired Can be learned from a Trainer
Type Passive
Your species can go down on all fours to move faster. Sprinting always takes 2 action points: to put your weapon away, get down on your fours and then get back up. While sprinting, you can move for as many fields as you have points in your "sprinting" ability. Note that you can't attack, defend or hide while sprinting. You can only sprint once per round.
Example: say you have 4 action points and sprinting 5. You spend 2 action points to start sprinting. Then you have 2 action points left + 5 movement points for sprinting and can thus move up to 7 fields.
Spend 2 action points to go on all fours. Then use your "sprinting" ability points to move.
Acquired Natural ability
Type Passive
Cooldown 1 round
Long jump
Your species has the natural ability to take a leap from full sprint. While this doesn't increase the height of your jump, it allows you to pass over low obstacles like small rivers, a fence or even an enemy (if it isn't too tall). If you know where they are, you could also jump over a trap door or a pressure plate. To jump you need to start on a normal field. Rough terrain like swamps or ice won't work since you need sure ground to jump. You then jump across 1 field and land on the field behind it. Low obstacles on that field are ignored. If you have the ability to "sprint" and are sprinting as you jump, you can even jump across 2 fields. The field you are landing on must be unoccupied and passable. You can only jump in a straight line, not around corners. Jumping still takes 1 actions point for each field you cross (even jumping through the air takes time).
can jump over low obstacles
Acquired Natural ability
Type Passive
Breath water
Your species has the ability to continue to breath when you are diving. Thus making you able to stay under water for an indefinite amount of time.
you cannot drown
Acquired Natural ability
Type Passive
Vulnerable to cold and water
Your species is vulnerable to water and takes more damage by attacks based on this element in battle.
start with -25% resistance against water-magic
Acquired Natural ability
Type Passive
Resistance to cold and water
Your species is attuned to water and takes less damage by attacks based on this element in battle.
start with +25% resistance against water-magic
Acquired Natural ability
Type Passive
Vulnerable to fire
Your species is vulnerable to fire and takes more damage by attacks based on this element.
start with -25% resistance against fire-magic
Acquired Natural ability
Type Passive
Resistance to fire
Your species is attuned to fire and takes less damage by attacks based on this element.
start with +25% resistance against fire-magic
Acquired Natural ability
Type Passive
Detect hidden enemies
Your eyes and ears have been sharpened by your masters' training. You see the slightest movement and notice every sound. They cannot hide from you.
detect hidden opponents within 4 fields radius
Acquired Class ability
Type Passive
You have learned to hide yourself in the shadows and sneak up upon your foes. Strike when they least expect and use the element of surprise to your advantage. A very effective strategy unless you are found prematurely. If your are hiding, enemies that are more than 2 fields away can't see you, unless they have the ability to "detect" hidden enemies. If you attack from a hidden position you do extra damage. If the enemy is killed by the attack you remain hidden. Otherwise the attack will cause you to be detected. If you end your turn within 2 fields of an enemy you will be detected the next turn.
Hidden from enemies 2 fields away unless detected. +50% extra damage while hidden.
Acquired Class ability
Type Activated
Pure Energy
Your body is made of pure energy. Small physical objects pass right through you, making you invulnerable to any common weapon. However: it also means that you cannot wield any weapon or wear armor and will even be unable to carry any items unless you have received special training.
Immune to physical damage but can't deal physical damage either.
Acquired Natural ability
Type Passive
Burns items
Everything you touch becomes temporarily covered in flames. Setting fire to anything as you strike. Unfortunately this prevents you from using many items made of wood and leather, that would burn to ash under your fingers.
Deals fire damage instead of physical damage. Cannot use any item made of flammable material.
Acquired Natural ability
Type Passive
Freezes items
Everything you touch freezes temporarily. Unfortunately this prevents you from using many items like liquids, that would freeze as well. Even glass shatters under your touch.
Deals cold damage instead of physical damage. Cannot use liquids or items made of glass.
Acquired Natural ability
Type Passive
Science is God
Your species is one of students. You study the physical world as well as the secrets of the mind. Due to your endless experiments and search for knowledge you cannot resist the forces of the world but have to experience them as they are. Through this work it is that you are able to learn ways to use your mind to do things others can't even begin to imagine.
Can learn 3 additional abilities.
Acquired Natural ability
Type Passive
Master of Science
You have learned to master all that is written in the book and thus have some additional abilities available from the start.
Receives 3 free additional abilities.
Acquired Class ability
Type Passive
Create inventory
The first ability of the three schools is "Manthor" (mind). Your mind uses energy to create a dense pocket that can hold any regular sized item. However: you require 10 energy points for each active pocket to uphold it. A pocket needs one round to be created or released. Items placed in a pocket are safe against any harm and won't get burned or freeze. Fun fact: The "pocket" is not big enough to put one of your party members inside. People have tried and I rather not speak of the outcome of such experiments.
Can carry 1 item for 10 energy points each while active. Can have a maximum of 5 active pockets. Creating or destroying a pocket takes half your maximum action points.
Acquired Can be trained by spending 1 bonus or experience point
Type Activated
The second ability of the three schools is "Buhaad" (kinetics). You force your body in a state of high metabolism at any time, allowing you to temporarily move faster. However: to keep this state requires concentration and you thus lose energy each turn to keep it up.
+25% action points for 1 energy point per round as upkeep.
Acquired Can be trained by spending 2 bonus or experience points
Type Activated
The third and last ability of the three schools is "Scani" (matter). You transform your whole body into solid rock. In this form you are vulnerable to physical and magical attacks, and you can't move or attack without aborting the process. But you conserve energy, allowing you to regenerate energy points during battle. While activate you regenerate 20% of your maximum energy points per round. Your resistance is increased by 50% while active and you gain an armor level equal to your resistance.
Turn to stone to regenerate 20% of your energy per round.
Acquired Can be trained by spending 4 bonus or experience points
Type Activated
You have learned to draw power from your inner self by expending your own life force. You are thus able to spent health points to cast spells when you are out of mana. You can also transfer mana drawn from your life-force to nearby allies by touching them, which takes half your maximum action points. For each health point spent you gain 1 mana.
Can draw spell points from health points.
Acquired Class ability
Type Activated
A strong spirit resides in you and you can ask it to heal your body using the power of your mind. If you use this power for yourself, you can do it instantly. But you can also use this power to heal nearby allies by touching them, which takes half your maximum action points. For each spell point spent you gain 1 health point.
Can replenish health points by spending spell points.
Acquired Class ability
Type Activated
This bonus ability is only available when you are in tune with all the elements. Once a day, when not in a fight, you can sit down to meditate for 2 rounds. This will replenish all your health points. This ability doesn't require you to spend any spell points.
Replenish all your health points once a day.
Acquired Bonus ability
Type Activated
This bonus ability is only available when you have embraced the destructive powers of all elements. Once per day this ability allows you to escape death by casting an aura of destruction around you. Your body is covered in green flames that reach out and scorch every living friend or foe around you, leeching the life-force from their very body and soul while healing you. Careful: this ability causes friendly fire!
Can only be used when you are below 50% health. Everybody within 3 fields takes one third your maximum health points damage (round up). You heal 10% of your max health points for each target you hit (regardless of how much damage you do).
Acquired Bonus ability
Type Activated
Cooldown 1 day
You have learned to prepare for battle and get yourself in a state of bloodlust. Thus dealing more damage and moving more quickly. You need to spend 50% of your maximum action points to activate this ability. It will come into effect on your NEXT round. Once activated you need to wait 6 rounds to activate it again.
+2 strength and agility while active, lasts 3 rounds, 6 rounds cooldown
Acquired Can be learned from a Trainer
Type Activated
Limitation Available to non-magic classes only
Shield Expertise
You have learned to use your shield more effectively to prevent damage. The armor value of your shield is thus increased.
+50% armor value for all shields
Acquired Can be learned from a Trainer
Type Passive
Limitation Available to non-magic classes only
"It's not all just song and dance," they say. You, however, have to strongly disagree. The river has a melody. The rain has a rhythm. Dawn is a crescendo. There are patterns in everything and patterns are music. In the tavern you might demonstrate your skill to earn some coin. Also: once per battle your performance may raise the spirits of your allies.
Raises strength of listeners by 20% for 5 rounds with 10 rounds cooldown. May perform in taverns to earn some coin.
Acquired Class ability
Type Activated
Cooldown 10 rounds
You know what an item is really worth. You know how to barter and convince others of the value of your goods. You thus can negotiate a better price. Most of the time. However: knowing what you are capable of, people distrust your judgement when it comes to diplomatic negotiations.
25% bonus when selling or buying goods. -25% on diplomacy rolls.
Acquired Class ability
Type Passive
You can tell when people are telling the truth and when they are not. Unlike theirs your mind is strong and cannot be bent.
+20% on diplomacy rolls. Immune to spells affecting the mind.
Acquired Class ability
Type Passive
You are trained in the fine art of negotiation. Finding solutions where others see problems. Finding mutual interests where others see differences. Finding the right words to turn a controversy into a favorable agreement.
+20% bonus on diplomacy rolls
Acquired Class ability
Type Passive
Can use tail-weapons
"Stand back you sneaky bastards! I got a shiny tail and I'm ready to use it!" Your species has a long, strong tail, good for two things. First: painted in bright colors by a talented tail-painter it's a sign of wealth and highly attractive to the opposite sex. (I've heard "Sunset Gloom" is the color of the season.) Second: In battle you are able to swing your tail fiercly, dealing strong blows. Your tail can do unarmed damage. You may either attack an enemy behind you with your tail while you attack another at the front with your hands/weapon, or swirl around to attack one target with hands/weapon and tail simultaneously. You can do even more damage by mounting 1 additional dagger or blunt-weapon on your tail. However: since your tail is not a hand, these weapons must either be made for tail-mounting, or have been modified with leather straps for that purpose.
Additional tail attack. Tail can wield another weapon. Tail weapons only do half your regular damage (rounded down).
Acquired Natural ability
Type Passive
Throw weapon
When necessary you can throw your weapon over short distances, dealing melee damage to the target (plus your melee bonus). You can do this at any time, even if it is not your turn. This may save an ally from certain death. On the other hand: you will have to walk over and get your weapon back. (And hope the enemy doesn't take it first.)
Throw weapon over 3 fields, doing melee damage and interrupting attacks.
Acquired Class ability
Type Attack
Silent Death
You are trained to sneak up on your enemies and take them out from behind without a sound. For this attack you need to be hidden and be standing behind the target. If you are undetected, you can land a well aimed blow that will inflict critical damage.
Backstab enemy for 3x melee damage. If the target is killed by the attack, you stay hidden.
Acquired Class ability
Type Attack
For what it's worth
You know the real value of an item. You will recognize the unimpressive little collectors' piece that others may have ignored. As a result you have a chance of finding more valuables than others. (Note: unlike in computer games, in the real world this ability does not stack. There are only so and so many collectors' items, diamonds, and a golden chandeliers in a dead rat. Even if you bring more trained eyes, your loot won't suddenly have kittens.)
20% more gold and valuables found
Acquired Class ability
Type Passive
Use a disguise
If you come across a foreign uniform or similar resources you can disguise yourself and your party as members of another faction. Thus allowing you to pass members of that faction unharmed. That is: as long as nobody asks for passwords and your party members aren't acting too out of place in their unusual roles. Pro tip: barrels are not a faction. Thus this ability does not allow you to disguise as a barrel.
disguise as your enemy to avoid attacks
Acquired Class ability
Type Activated
Distract enemy
If you are hidden and undetected, you can cause a distraction (e.g. throw a stone) to have an enemy divert from its position. The enemy will spend its next turn investigating the target area. This tactic may allow you to remain undetected.
cause distraction on 1 field in radius of 4
Acquired Class ability
Type Activated
Taunt enemy
You can insult one enemy, challenging it to fight you—and only you! The target will not attack your party members until the effect fades.
cause 1 enemy in 5 fields radius to leave your party alone and attack you instead with their next attack
Acquired Class ability
Type Action
Cooldown 3 rounds
Trained smith
Given you have the right tools, you can patch up damaged items, blades, and armor. Furthermore, given you have enough time, you can sharpen blades so that they do more damage. However, you can only sharpen weapons that do have sharp edges (axes, daggers and swords) and the effect will only last till the end of the next battle.
repair or improve items (+10% damage)
Acquired Class ability
Type Action
Limitation Not during a fight
Elemental resistances
Element Value
Ignis (fire) -25%+25%
Aer (air) -25%+25%
Aqua (water) -25%+25%
Terra (earth) -25%+25%
Bonus ability
The Secret Knowledge
Teachings of the three Schools
School Ability Requires bonus points Select
Scani Create inventory 1
Manthor Haste 2
Buhaad Regenerate 4
Description of the Three Teachings
Since you have already mastered the three Sciences,
you receive the following bonus abilities for free:
Book of Elements
Energy blast
The caster infuses his hands with magic energies. An Initiate caster has to be close to the opponent to cause the effect. When he becomes an Expert, he can channel more energy into the spell, shooting it over a larger distance at an opponent. A master can put even more energy into the spell, causing the blast to become instable and explode on impact, damaging nearby targets.
  Level Name Required Range Target Effect
Level Bonus-Points Spell-Points
Initiate Magic Missile 0 0 1-4 2 1 2 magic damage per SP spent
Expert Energyblast 6 1 4-8 5 1 2 magic damage per SP spent
Master Fireball 12 2 8-20 6 1 field radius 3 magic damage per SP spent
Energy spike
Using your natural ability you absorb energy from your enemy, damaging the target while healing yourself. As Initiate the caster has to touch the opponent. When he becomes an Expert can shoot a spear of energy that will draw power from a hit enemy. A master can shoot 2 spears at a time. This is a strategic spell! It doesn't do too much damage, but since it will give you almost as much energy back as it takes to cast, it is a good choice to conserve energy and not exhaust yourself on hordes of smaller opponents. It is also a good choice when you run low on energy!
  Level Name Required Range Target Effect
Level Bonus-Points Spell-Points
Initiate Leeching touch 0 0 1-5 1 1 1 magic damage per SP spent, damage is transfered to caster as EP
Expert Energy Spear 5 1 5-10 3 1
Master Energy spike 11 2 10-30 5 1
Temporarily increase resistance against magic
The caster invokes a magical shield that absorbs a part of the damage done by incoming spells. An Initiate spell caster can point the shield at the caster only. An Expert may choose a nearby target on which to put the spell (up to 3 fields away). A Master may put the spell on all nearby allies (up to 3 fields away). The spell does not stack with similar spell effects.
  Level Name Required Duration Target Effect
Level Bonus-Points Spell-Points
Initiate Magic Shield 2 1 3-6 4 self raises magic resistance by 1 for each SP spent
Expert Superior Shield 7 1 6-12 4 other
Master Global Shield 13 2 12-30 4 3 field radius
Energy explosion
You explode a burst of energy from your body, damaging all targets around you. With growing experience you can put more power into the spell to do more damage. Carefull: friendly fire!
  Level Name Required Target Effect
Level Bonus-Points Spell-Points
Expert Energy burst 7 1 5-12 ring 2 damage per SP spent + 1d4
Master Energy Explosion 13 2 5-30 ring 2 damage per SP spent + 2d6
Cause fire damage to all targets in a small area
The caster invokes a shower of fire to fall from the sky. An Expert can make the flames fall in a close radius. A Master can call the flames in a wider radius, scorching even more enemies. Carefull: Friendly fire!
  Level Name Required Range Target Effect
Level Bonus-Points Spell-Points
Expert Meteor blast 8 1 8-12 4 2 field radius 2 fire damage per SP spent + 1d12
Master Meteor shower 14 2 12-45 6 3 field radius
Energy Storm
Using your abilities you cause the energies around the target to go chaotic, causing damage to any creature caught in the effect or passing throught the affected area. Carefull: friendly fire!
  Level Name Required Range Target Effect
Level Bonus-Points Spell-Points
Master Energy Storm 15 3 20-100 6 3 field radius 1 damage per SP spent for 3 rounds
Master Fire spells
The Master called and the skies came tumbling down. Causes fire to fall around the caster unto the battlefield scorching everything on it: ally or foe. Carefull: friendly fire!
  Level Name Required Range Target Effect
Level Bonus-Points Spell-Points
Master Armageddon 16 3 20-90 8 all 3 fire damage per SP spent + 1d12
Book of Air
Basic Shock spells
Knowledge of the elements allows the caster to give thoughts a physical form. The spell shots sparks of energy from the caster's hands. As Initiate the caster has to touch the opponent to cause the effect. When he becomes an Expert, he can channel more energy into the spell, shooting it over a distance at an opponent. A master can use even more energy, damaging every opponent in a straight line. As with all lightning spells: when fired at water or any other surface that carries electricity it will hit all connected targets for 50% of the original damage.
  Level Name Required Range Target Effect
Level Bonus-Points Spell-Points
Initiate Shock 0 0 1-5 1 1 2 air damage per SP spent + 1d4
Expert Lightning 5 1 5-10 3 1 3 air damage per SP spent + 1d6
Master Chain-Lightning 11 2 10-25 5 line 3 air damage per SP spent + 1d6
The caster forms a ball of electricity with his hands that travels slowly in a straight line. When it hits a target it bursts, shocking the target and jumping from one adjacent target to another. However: since this "ball of lightning" travels longer than a sudden electric discharge it will have lost quite a lot of energy prior to impact, making it less destructive and limiting its range. With growing experience the caster learns to put more energy into the spell, making it travel further and do more damage. The path to the target must be clear. No ally may be blocking the way. Meaning: The caster cannot hide behind another party member to cast the spell. You also shouldn't fire it right in front of a target, since at close range the spell would jump back and shock the caster as well. As with all lightning spells: when fired at water or any other surface that carries electricity it will also hit any other connected target for 50% of the original damage. Careful: friendly fire!
  Level Name Required Range Target Effect
Level Bonus-Points Spell-Points
Initiate Lightning-Projectile 0 0 2-5 3 everybody standing on a field connected to the target 1 air damage per SP spent + 1d4
Expert Lightning-Ball 6 1 5-10 4 2 air damage per SP spent + 1d6
Master Lightning-Storm 12 2 10-30 6 2 air damage per SP spent + 2d6
Temporarily increase resistance against magic
The caster invokes a magical shield that absorbs a part of the damage done by incoming spells. An Initiate spell caster can point the shield at the caster only. An Expert may choose a nearby target on which to put the spell (up to 3 fields away). A Master may put the spell on all nearby allies (up to 3 fields away). The spell does not stack with similar spell effects.
  Level Name Required Duration Target Effect
Level Bonus-Points Spell-Points
Initiate Magic Shield 3 0 1-5 3 self raises magic resistance by 1 for each SP spent
Expert Superior Shield 7 1 5-10 4 other
Master Global Shield 13 2 10-30 4 party
Temporarily paralyze a target
The caster charges a metallic object with electric energy. If a character steps on or moves past the object it will discharge and by doing so possibly paralyze the target for a short ammount of time. A paralyzed target is unable to move, attack, or defend until the spell effect wears off or is magically removed. If the target is not paralyzed it will still be shocked for 1 turn and loose all its current action points. The spell can also be used on a metallic weapon of a nearby ally (given it has an isolating hilt) or be fired directly at a nearby target, having the same effect. Note that since this spells is meant to stun and not kill, it does no actual damage.
  Level Name Required Range Duration Target Effect
Level Bonus-Points Spell-Points
Expert Shock-Trap 8 1 10 1 2 metallic object, weapon or opponent 60% chance to paralyze on hit
if not paralyzed, target is stunned for 1 turn
Master Paralyze 12 2 14 1 3
Sense hidden doors and opponents
With growing experience you become more and more attuned to slight air-movements and variations in sound and temperatures. You can even sense opponents near you—hidden or not. With a little concentration you can feel the draft of air coming from the edge of a secret door. You hear the change in the echoes when you pass by an opening even in full darkness. However, even if this spell helps you to detect a secret door. To open it still requires a true master thief—not a magician. On the plus side this spell also allows you to predict the weather and make an educated guess how long your tea-pot will take to start boiling, which is of immense practical use, especially if your party ever has to engage in tea-pot combat. As your experience grows you will learn to detect objects even further away or more difficult to detect. You will also be able to do a full weather forcast for the next ten days with a mean accuracy of up to 40%.
  Level Name Required Effect
Level Bonus-Points Spell-Points
Expert Detection attempt 4 1 8 detect opponents up to 5 fields away
50% chance to detect secret doors and objects in front of you
Master Sense secrets 8 2 12 detect opponents up to 8 fields away
80% chance to detect secret doors and objects in front of you
Master Air spells
The Master can make the air around a target explode, causing a crushing force to hit the opponent. The violence of the impact hits inner organs with great pressure. Causing them to implode, doing massive damage. Few have been hit by this force and still live to tell the tale.
  Level Name Required Range Target Effect
Level Bonus-Points Spell-Points
Master Implosion 15 3 20-130 3 1 4 air damage per SP spent + 2d20
Book of Flames
Basic Fire spells
The caster conjures fire from his hands. An Initiate caster has to be close to the opponent to cause the effect. An Expert can channel more energy into the spell, shooting it over a larger distance at an opponent. A master can put even more energy into the spell, causing the blast to become instable and explode on impact, damaging nearby targets.
  Level Name Required Range Target Effect
Level Bonus-Points Spell-Points
Initiate Magic Missile 0 0 1-5 2 1 2 fire damage per SP spent + 1d4
Expert Flameblast 6 1 5-10 5 1 2 fire damage per SP spent + 1d4
Master Fireball 12 2 10-30 6 1 field radius 3 fire damage per SP spent + 1d4
Set a target on fire, causing ongoing fire damage
Concentrating your flames at a single point, you are able to set a target ablaze. Once it is burning, it will take continuous fire damage until it or an ally can either extinguish the flames or the flames die down on their own. With experience you can extend the duration of the effect. Note that this does not work in water and enemies that physically cannot be set ablaze will not take damage either.
  Level Name Required Range Target Duration Effect
Level Bonus-Points Spell-Points
Initiate Set ablaze 3 0 2-6 2 1 2 1 fire damage per SP spent per round
burning target has 30% chance to panic
Expert Consuming flames 7 1 6-10 2 1 2
Master Inferno 13 2 10-50 2 1 3
Create a fire-shield that does damage to enemies attacking you
Watching your masters, the Serai, you have learned to copy the effects of their plasma shield. A less sophisticated version still, and you can't extend it beyond your own body, but nevertheless: effective. You create a fiery shield made of burning flames that engulfes you completely. Any enemy trying a melee attack on you takes fire damage. With more experience you will be able to channel more energy into the spell. This spell has some strategic value: it should make your opponents think twice before attacking you! The spell doesn't stack with similar effects.
  Level Name Required Duration Effect
Level Bonus-Points Spell-Points
Initiate Fire Shield 2 0 1-5 3 does 3 points of fire damage per SP spent to melee-attackers
Expert Flame Shield 5 1 5-10 4
Master Fire armor 11 2 10-30 5
Scorch the ground to do fire damage when they pass
You set the ground under your feet aflame, making it burn and damage everybody passing through. While standing on a burning tile the fire spells you cast will do extra damage. With more experience you can make the flames burn longer and in a wider radius. The spell can only be cast on burnable ground. It doesn't work on water or ice (even though you might use it to thaw the latter). The spell doesn't stack. Careful: friendly fire! (no pun intended)
  Level Name Required Range Target Effect
Level Bonus-Points Spell-Points
Expert Scorch Ground 9 1 10 3 field radius 3 1 fire damage per SP spent per field passed
fire spells do 25% more damage
Master Melt Ground 14 2 15 4 field radius 4
Cause fire damage to all targets in a small area
The caster invokes a shower of fire to fall from the sky. An Expert can make the flames fall in a close radius. A Master can call the flames in a wider radius, scorching even more enemies. Carefull: Friendly fire!
  Level Name Required Range Target Effect
Level Bonus-Points Spell-Points
Expert Meteor blast 8 1 8-14 4 2 field radius 2 fire damage per SP spent + 1d12
Master Meteor shower 14 2 14-50 6 3 field radius
Master Fire spells
The Master called upon the heavens and the skies came tumbling down. Causes fire to fall around the caster onto the battlefield scorching everything on it: ally or foe. Carefull: friendly fire!
  Level Name Required Range Target Effect
Level Bonus-Points Spell-Points
Master Armageddon 15 3 20-100 10 all 3 fire damage per SP spent + 1d20
Book of Ice
Frost damage
Using your natural ability to control the elements you hit your enemies with a touch of cold. As Initiate the caster has to touch the opponent. An Expert can shoot a small ice dart at the enemy. A master can shoot several ice darts at a victim. Has a chance to freeze the enemy. A frozen enemy skips one turn.
  Level Name Required Range Target Effect
Level Bonus-Points Spell-Points
Initiate Freezing touch 0 0 1-5 1 1 2 cold damage per SP spent, 20% chance to freeze for 1 round
Expert Frost dart 5 1 5-10 3 1 1 dart doing 1 cold damage per SP spent + 1d6, 20% chance to freeze for 1 round
Master Ice darts 11 2 10-20 3 1 3 darts doing 1 cold damage per SP spent each + 1d6, each has 20% chance to freeze
Freeze ground
You can try to freeze the ground beneath your feet. If successful, the ground will become ice, effectively slowing the enemies' movement around you. An Initiate can keep the effect up for a short amount of time. Experts and Masters freeze a larger area for a longer time. This spell only works on solid ground. It cannot be used when standing on lava tiles and has no effect on ice elementals.
  Level Name Required Range Duration Effect
Level Bonus-Points Spell-Points
Initiate Cause Frost 0 0 5 3 field radius 2 all movement is halved
Expert Freeze Ground 4 1 10 4 field radius 3
Master Ice Ground 11 2 15 6 field radius 5
Ice Armor
Freezing the air around you, you temporarily gain some extra protection. Your ice will absorb most damage until it is shattered. The spell does not stack. The ice melts over time, so there is no point in casting it prior to battle. If used right this spell allows you to temporarily bolster your defense enough to weather an enemy onslaught till you can fend them off.
  Level Name Required Duration Effect
Level Bonus-Points Spell-Points
Initiate Frozen shield 0 0 1-5 3 absorbs 3 damage per SP spent
absorbs a maximum of 50% of damage per attack
Expert Frost shield 5 2 5-10 4
Master Ice armor 11 4 10-25 5
Cause flood
If you are in or near water you can cause the tide to rise and cause a sudden flood that will swipe enemies off their feet. If the target falls prone, it will have to spend time standing up at its next turn. A target that has fallen also has a chance to get washed away. If so the target will be moved in the direction of the wave, away from the caster. The wave starts at your feet and extends in a 45 degree radius across the battlefield (close burst). A very powerful spell, but again: it only works in or near a body of water. Carefull: friendly fire!
  Level Name Required Target Effect
Level Bonus-Points Spell-Points
Expert Heavy Waves 6 2 10-15 burst radius 3 3 damage per SP spent
50% chance to make target fall prone
50% chance to wash target away 2 fields
Master Leaping flood 12 4 10-25 burst radius 5
Ice explosion
A burst of ice explodes from your body, damaging all targets around you. An Expert does some damage. A Master does major damage and has a chance to freeze the targets. Carefull: friendly fire!
  Level Name Required Target Effect
Level Bonus-Points Spell-Points
Expert Ring of Frost 7 2 6-12 ring 2 cold damage per SP spent
Master Ice Explosion 13 4 6-30 ring 2 cold damage per SP spent, 20% chance to freeze
Master Ice Spells
The sky turns black and shards of ice fall from the clouds. The ice will cause damage to all creatures in the area while it lasts. Any player who ends a turn in the affected area has a chance to freeze. A frozen target will lose its next turn. Carefull: friendly fire!
  Level Name Required Range Target Effect
Level Bonus-Points Spell-Points
Master Ice Storm 15 3 20-100 6 3 field radius 1 cold damage per SP spent for 3 rounds
20% chance to freeze
Book of Anatomy
Treatment of light Wounds
The caster concentrates on the body's inherent powers to heal physical wounds. In other words: he transforms magical energy into health. The Initiate healer can only focus this on himself. While the Expert can touch a nearby ally to heal. The Master can simultaneously heal all nearby allies at once.
  Level Name Required Range Target Effect
Level Bonus-Points Spell-Points
Initiate First Aid 0 0 2-4 0 self heals 5 HP per 2 SP spent
Expert Healing Touch 3 1 4-10 1 other
Master Power Healing 10 2 10-16 3 party
Treating Poisons with Antidotes
Your knowledge of venoms and antidotes allows you to create a brew that will neutralize their effects. An Initiate knows how to clean the wound, but still may have to try several antidotes to find the right one. An Expert has a fair chance of being successful. While the Master almost never fails.
  Level Name Required Range Target Effect
Level Bonus-Points Spell-Points
Initiate Simple Antidote 3 0 4 1 1 40% chance to remove "poison"
Expert Complex Antidote 6 1 5 1 1 60% chance to remove "poison"
Master Strong Antidote 10 2 8 1 1 80% chance to remove "poison"
Treating temporary Blindness
You know how to clean eyes if they have been temporarily blinded. An Initiate has a chance to be successful. An Expert with more experience, succeeds more often. The Master almost never fails.
  Level Name Required Range Target Effect
Level Bonus-Points Spell-Points
Initiate Wash eyes 2 0 5 1 1 40% chance to remove "blindness"
Expert Treat infection 5 1 7 1 1 60% chance to remove "blindness"
Master Heal defects 9 2 9 1 1 80% chance to remove "blindness"
Treatment of Sickness
Your knowledge of diseases and cures allows you to create a sap that will treat sickness. An Expert has a fair chance of being successful. While the Master almost never fails.
  Level Name Required Range Target Effect
Level Bonus-Points Spell-Points
Expert Treat Sickness 7 1 7 1 1 60% chance to remove "sickness"
Master Heal Sickness 13 2 10 1 1 80% chance to remove "sickness"
Treatment of Shock and temporary Paralysis
Your knowledge of mind and body enables you to treat temporary paralysis due to shock caused by physical violence or magic. An Expert has a fair chance of being successful. While the Master almost never fails.
  Level Name Required Range Target Effect
Level Bonus-Points Spell-Points
Expert Treat Paralysis 5 1 8 1 1 60% chance to remove "paralysis"
Master Heal Paralysis 12 2 10 1 1 80% chance to remove "paralysis"
Treatment of Traumata and severe Wounds
The caster concentrates on the body's inherent power to heal physical wounds. This heals all nearby allies.
  Level Name Required Range Target Effect
Level Bonus-Points Spell-Points
Master Power Healing 17 3 18-100 5 party heals 3 HP per 1 SP spent
Book of Nature
Poison weapons
Knowing what herb does heal or kill, you are able to apply a dangerous venom to an arrow or weapon. This can be done to your own, or that of an adjacent ally. The next strike done with the treated weapon will poison the victim. After that, the weapon will have to be treated again. The poison does ongoing damage until the effect fades or the victim is healed. The Initiate can only produce a weak poison that will fade fast. The Expert can extend the effect of the poison, causing ongoing damage. The Master can brew a deadly venom that will keep on causing harm for a long time, possibly killing the victim.
  Level Name Required Duration Effect
Level Bonus-Points Spell-Points
Initiate Poison arrow 0 0 1-4 2 2 earth damage per SP spent
Expert Potent Poison 5 1 5-8 3
Master Deadly Poison 10 2 9-12 4
Weather spells
A sacred ritual is causing rain to fall. Making the air cool down and causing fire magic to be less effective. An Initiate can invoke a light rain over a short time that will start next round. An Expert can make the rain last longer and starts immediately. A Master's thunderstorm makes movement more difficult. Effects both enemies and allies.
  Level Name Required Duration Effect
Level Bonus-Points Spell-Points
Initiate Cool air 0 0 2 3 all fire spells are 25% less effective, starting next round
Expert Call Rain 5 1 6 3 all fire spells are 33% less effective, starting immediately
Master Thunderstorm 10 2 9 5 all fire spells are 50% less effective, action points are halfed
Basic Acid spells
You know the right chemicals and how to use them as a weapon. An Initiate may throw a small vial of acid at the target. The container bursts and the contents will spill, doing some damage. An Expert uses acid spray against up to 3 targets directly in front of him. If that spray hits opponents' eyes it can temporarily blind them. A Master can make a more potent spray and throw it on the battlefield, causing a cloud of acidic fumes that linger for multiple rounds. Every creature that stands in or passes through the cloud is harmed and can turn blind for 1 round, until the fumes dissolve.
  Level Name Required Range Target Effect
Level Bonus-Points Spell-Points
Initiate Acidic dart 0 0 1-5 2 1 2 earth damage per SP spent + 1d4
Expert Acid Spray 6 1 5-10 1 3 2 earth damage per SP spent + 1d4
20% chance to blind
Master Acid Cloud 12 2 10-25 5 1 field radius 2 earth damage per SP spent for 3 rounds
20% chance to blind
Expert Earth spells
This spell enables the caster to turn the ground into a patch of quick sand. Any creature entering into the sand has a chance to become immobilized. Plus the sand makes it harder to defend against attacks. An Expert can cause the effect on a small area. A Master can affect a larger area.
  Level Name Required Range Target Effect
Level Bonus-Points Spell-Points
Expert Quick sand 7 1 6-8 3 1 field radius 50% chance to immobilize for 1 round per 2 SP spent
50% reduced defense
Master Swamp 13 2 10-16 5 2 field radius
Raise armor
The caster uses earth magic to harden the skin of an ally. This will also prevent poison from entering the target's blood. An Expert can cast this spell on one character. A Master affects all allies within range.
  Level Name Required Range Target Duration Effect
Level Bonus-Points Spell-Points
Expert Woodskin 5 1 6-8 2 1 3 raise armor level by 1 per 2 SP spent
target can't be poisoned
Master Stoneskin 12 2 10-20 2 all in range 4
Master Earth spell
To the master we herby proudly present: the latest in reminding those bones that they are made of earth. This spell multiplies the weight of the target's body, causing it to get crushed under its own weight and lose a third of its remaining HP. In addition the attack brings the victim to its knees, so that it can't move during the next round. This makes this spell the top choice for your arsenal. We recommend the use against giants for maximum effect.
  Level Name Required Range Target Effect
Level Bonus-Points Spell-Points
Master Crushing Weight 15 3 25-100 3 1 1% of target's HP earth damage per SP spent
if any damage is done, target falls prone for 1 round
Book of Shadows
Create Minions
"He called out to the shadows and they came a legion, armed with claws and teeth." Projecting his magical abilities into a shape, the adept can form a minion to fight at his side. This spell needs a full round to cast (the caster can't move). The more experienced the caster, the healthier and the greater is the number of minions that can be called. The called minions vanish when they are no longer needed, or when their master dies—whatever comes first.
  Level Name Required Max Creatures Statistics Effect
Level Bonus-Points Spell-Points
Initiate Call a Pet 0 0 4 1 20 HP, 2 armor, 4 damage + 1d4 1 creature per 4 SP spent.
Expert Call minions 6 1 4-12 3 30 HP + SP spent, 4 armor, 6 damage + 1d4
Master Call an Army 12 2 4-20 5 50 HP + SP spent, 6 armor, 9 damage + 1d6
Create Wall
The caster creates a straight, protective wall in front of him. The wall cannot move. All characters that have a solid body can't pass through and need to go around. Melee attacks across the wall are not possible but long-range attacks work (from both sides). The wall has a certain number of HP and disappears if it is destroyed. The more experienced the caster is the sturdier the created wall becomes.
Level Name Required Width Statistics Effect
Level Bonus-Points Spell-Points
Initiate Barricade 0 0 2-12 1 5 HP per SP spent build a stationary wall that prevents melee attacks
Expert Defense 6 1 5-15 3
Master Wall 12 2 10-20 5
Create Trap
Creates a stationary trap at the designated position. Any enemy entering the range of the trap triggers it. A triggered trap does damage to all targets in range. The targets are immobilized for 1 turn. An Initiate can create a simple trap that has to be armed manually. It will be triggered only when stepped on, won't explode, and only affect 1 target. The Expert can make the apparatus trigger an explosive mixture. The trap can be tossed and activated from a distance with a rope. When stepped upon it will explode causing damage to all targets in a 1 field radius. A Master is fast enough to arm two traps in one turn. Careful: friendly fire!
  Level Name Required Range Blastradius Effect
Level Bonus-Points Spell-Points
Initiate Bear Trap 0 0 3-8 1 0 5 physical damage per SP spent
immobilized for 1 turn
Expert Explosive Trap 5 1 9-12 2 1
Master Bomb Traps 9 2 15-40 2 1 can create 2 mines at a time
Create Smoke
"Drown the world around them in shadows." This spell creates a stationary cloud of smoke that makes it more difficult for targets within range to see and thus making it more difficult for them to defend or attack. The Expert can create a short-lived cloud. The Master creates a bigger, more dense cloud that sticks around longer. Careful: friendly fire!
  Level Name Required Range Target Duration Effect
Level Bonus-Points Spell-Points
Expert Smoke 7 1 5-10 4 1 field radius 3 reduces attack and defense by 1 per SP spent
no long-range attacks possible
Master Shadow Cloud 13 2 10-25 5 2 field radius 5
Raising the Dead
"Come with me, there is work to be done!" And so they rose to serve once more. Brings back a fallen enemy from the dead to serve the caster. The walking dead has 50% the HP, armor, and attack of the creature it is created from. However (due to its current state) it has none of its special abilities. It also no longer remembers how to cast spells. These mindless creatures can be utilized to create a buffer and protect the caster. An Expert can raise as many as he wants, but his creations are short-lived. Only a Master can turn them into real zombies that won't fall apart with time. The creatures will vanish when destroyed or when they are no longer needed. They will however not die if their master dies. Only creatures that have a solid body can be risen.
  Level Name Required Range Effect
Level Bonus-Points Spell-Points
Expert Reanimate Corpse 7 1 6-10 1 raise for 1 round per 2 SP spent
Master Create Zombie 13 2 15 2 raise 1 creature (no time-limit)
Avatar of Shadows
He called to the shadows for protection and they came. The Master creates a fierce creature to fight at his side, bind the enemy, and keep it at a safe distance. The spell can only be cast once per battle. The avatar vanishes if it is destroyed, if the caster dies, or if it is no longer needed. If the creature dies in battle, it can not be brought back in the same battle.
  Level Name Required Max Creatures Statistics
Level Bonus-Points Spell-Points
Master Avatar 13 2 20-40 1 10 HP per SP spent, 15 armor, 5 damage + 1d4
Attack range 2, 20% to cause the target to panic
Book of Thoughts
Mind attacks
The telepath concentrates on the mind of his victim, ripping it apart in a violent burst. Opponents that have no living brain are immune. An Initiate telepath can attack nearby opponents only. An Expert will do more damage and can focus on targets across a greater distance. A Master can focus enough to cause a mind wave that hurts all enemies in range (no friendly fire). Victims hit by a wave have a 30% chance of being stunned for 1 turn.
  Level Name Required Range Target Effect
Level Bonus-Points Spell-Points
Initiate Mental Blow 0 0 1-5 2 1 2 damage per SP spent + 1d4
Expert Explosive Thoughts 5 1 5-10 3 1 3 damage per SP spent + 1d4
Master Mind Wave 11 2 10-20 2 all in range 3 damage per SP spent + 1d4
30% chance to stun for 1 round
Put to sleep
Look into my eyes. You feel sleepy. Very, very sleepy. Opponents that can't sleep (like the undead and some toddlers) are immune. The effect is interrupted if the victim is attacked or woken by an ally. An Initiate has to stand directly next to the opponent to succeed and will only be able to distract him, so that the victim skips its turn. An Expert can cause the effect over a distance and put the victim in a trance. Lowering the victims defense by 50%. A Master can put it so fast asleep that it can't defend itself at all and any attack that wakes it is automatically critical.
  Level Name Required Range Target Effect
Level Bonus-Points Spell-Points
Initiate Distract 0 0 3-6 1 1 sleeps for 1 round per 3 SP spent
Expert Trance 5 1 6-9 2 1 sleeps for 1 round per 3 SP spent
defense is lowered by 50%
Master Sleep 12 2 12 3 1 sleeps for 4 rounds, defenses are reduced to 0
attack that wakes it scores critical
Cause Panic
Focussing on the primeval instincts, the spell forces opponents to live their worst nightmares, causing them to panic or even go berserk. If an opponent goes berserk it will use its turn to attack its nearest ally. If the opponent resists going berserk but is struck with panic, it will flee, spending its whole next turn to move as far away as possible from the spell's source. If an opponent resists the panic as well, it will still be frightened, causing less damage and remain unable to attack the caster during its next turn. An Expert can focus on one enemy at a time. A Master can make all nearby opponents live a waking nightmare, possibly causing multiple targets to attack one another. The spell has no effect on undead and enemies that have no brain.
  Level Name Required Range Target Effect
Level Bonus-Points Spell-Points
Expert Panic 6 1 8 2 1 40% to cause victim to go beserk
if it doesn't go beserk: 70% to cause panic
else: can't attack caster and -10 attack for 1 round
Master Nightmare 12 2 12 2 all in range
Raise magical resistance
The caster uses the power of the mind to create a mental barrier that blocks enemy mind spells and reduces the effect of other magical attacks. The Expert can cast this spell on one target at a time. The Master can protect multiple allies. The caster must have line of sight to the target. The spell does not stack with similar spell effects.
  Level Name Required Target Duration Effect
Level Bonus-Points Spell-Points
Expert Mental Barrier 7 1 5-12 other 2 raises defense against mind spells by 2 for each SP spent
raises magic resistance by 1 for each SP spent
Master Great Barrier 13 2 15-40 party 3
Control enemy
The telepath tries to gain control over the mind of an enemy. If he succeeds, he will be able to take over the enemy's turn. An Expert has a fair chance to succeed. A Master is even harder to resist and can control the enemy for 2 turns. The spell has no effect on undead and enemies that have no brain. I know its tempting, but don't use it on allies or peasants. Seriously!
  Level Name Required Range Target Effect
Level Bonus-Points Spell-Points
Expert Control 8 1 10 2 1 50% to take over target's next turn
Master Dominate 14 2 15 3 1 70% to take over target's next 2 turns
Attempt to instantly kill
The Master focusses on the enemy's source of life, trying to stop it from working. When successful, the enemy—no matter how powerful—dies instantly. The spell has no effect on undead. The caster's magic abilities must be greater than that of the target. The caster must have line of sight on the target.
  Level Name Required Range Target Effect
Level Bonus-Points Spell-Points
Master Kill 15 2 20-80 2 1 10% + 1% per 2 SP spent to kill
otherwise 1 damage per SP spent
The Holy Genesis
Basic Attack spells
The steadfast believer projects righteous fury against a target by swinging a weapon, doing melee damage. The attack causes all normal weapon damage plus the extra damage caused by the spell. A Novice causes low additional damage. An Expert can focus hate and fury even more, causing additional suffering with an even mightier blow. A Master can do a sweep attack, inflicting damage to three targets in front of the caster.
  Level Name Required Range Target Effect
Level Bonus-Points Spell-Points
Initiate Cause Pain 0 0 2-4 1 1 physical attack + 1 damage per SP spent
Expert Cause Suffering 6 1 5-10 1 1 physical attack + 1 damage per SP spent + 1d4
Master Despair 12 2 10-30 1 3 physical attack + 1 damage per SP spent + 1d4
Basic War Cries
The righteous believer calls out to its allies, fueling their hearts with holy rage. A Novice can choose simple words, enraging his allies for a short time. An Expert's infuriating words will have a longer-lasting effect. A Master's shout can cause a fanatic rage that lasts even longer.
  Level Name Required Range Duration Effect
Level Bonus-Points Spell-Points
Initiate Rage 0 0 2-4 6 2 add 1 physical damage per 2 SP spent
Expert Infuriate 6 1 6-8 6 3
Master Fanatism 12 2 10-20 8 4
Basic Defense Meditations
The true believer meditates on the battle ahead to increase awareness and defense against physical attacks. A Novice can prepare itself for the battle. An Expert can call out to all allies, extending the effect to them. A Master will find it easier to concentrate and think ahead even further, causing the effect to last longer.
  Level Name Required Range Duration Effect
Level Bonus-Points Spell-Points
Initiate Awareness 0 0 2-4 self 3 raise armor level by 1 per 2 SP spent
Expert Battle Meditation 6 1 6-8 3 3
Master War Strategy 12 2 10-50 8 4
Dispell magic
The true believer calls upon willpower and faith to ignore the effects of magic. Either by prayer or ritual or by shouting magic words. An Expert does it by prayer, for which he has to stand close to the target. A Master however can shout the magic words to invoke the effect over a distance. On success all magic effects (negative AND positive) are removed from the target.
  Level Name Required Range Effect
Level Bonus-Points Spell-Points
Expert Dispell 6 1 6 1 60% chance to remove all magic effects
Master Antimagic 12 2 8 3 80% chance to remove all magic effects
Rush to Battle
The real believer is consumed by holy rage, fueling it with the power to move more quickly in battle. This will temporarily raise the agility value for all allies in range. An Expert can keep the effect up for a short time. A Master can sustain the effect for longer.
  Level Name Required Range Duration Effect
Level Bonus-Points Spell-Points
Expert Holy Rage 6 1 6-8 1 3 raise agility by 1 per 2 SP spent for all allies in range
Master Divine Fury 12 2 10-14 2 5
Divine Spark
Using divine an apparatus handed down to the caster directly by divine powers, the Master can call upon the heavens to reanimate fallen companions. To do so, the apparatus shoots the "spark of life" back into their broken body and replenishing their life force. If successful the affected allies will return to full strength, and full HP. A probability roll must be made for all affected allies individually. (The device has no effect on allies that have no vitality)
  Level Name Required Range Target Effect
Level Bonus-Points Spell-Points
Master Divine Calling 18 3 30 2 all allies in range 70% to succeed
On success full HP, all magic effects are removed
Holy Book of Light
Damage Unholy Creatures
The experienced priest can use the power of the elements to invoke a fire shining like the rising sun. An Expert can cause a light bright enough to harm any creature on the 3 fields in its front. A Master can cause an even brighter light, holding it high and hitting all creatures in range. The spell only harms nocturnal and undead creatures and has a chance to blind them. A blinded creature cannot use long-range weapons. Movement and attack are halved. If it does not blind the target, it has a chance to cause panic for 1 round. A target struck by panic must use all its turn to move away from the source of the light as far as possible and cannot attack this round. Carefull: friendly fire!
  Level Name Required Range Target Effect
Level Bonus-Points Spell-Points
Expert Sunrise 4 1 5-10 1 3 3 fire damage per SP spent + 1d6
20% change to blind
20% change to panic
affects only nocturnal creatures
Master Daylight 10 2 10-30 3 all in range
Reduce your Enemies Attack Power
Calling upon the power of the doctrines you curse the heretics. Their ability to harm you will be reduced greatly. An Expert can pick one target. A Master will affect all targets in range. Note: the point is not really to curse the enemy but to BELIEVE you cursed them. (You are a priest, not a warlock.) Therefore YOU and your allies carry the spell effect as a buff. The enemy can't defend against being "cursed".
  Level Name Required Range Target Duration Effect
Level Bonus-Points Spell-Points
Expert Curse 5 1 6-10 3 1 3 -1 attack per 2 SP spent
Master Mass Curse 11 2 10-50 3 3 all in range
Prevent Enemy from using Magic
Shouting the words of doctrines against the enemy you break their concentration, enraging and confusing them, so they are unable to cast spells. An Expert can pick 1 target. A Master can affect all targets in range. Note: there is a chance a caster's concentration cannot be broken.
  Level Name Required Range Target Duration Effect
Level Bonus-Points Spell-Points
Expert Silence 6 1 8 3 1 3 60% chance to silence target
Master Mass Silence 12 2 10-50 3 all in range 3 30% + 1% per SP spent to silence casters
Fire a Beam of Light
Using secret knowledge (and an apparatus given to you by divine powers) you focus the light of the sun on a single spot to burn non-believers and heretics. This concentrated holy beam of light causes severe damage. There is little that can withstand the wrath of the Gods.
  Level Name Required Range Target Effect
Level Bonus-Points Spell-Points
Master Beam of Light 15 3 20-80 2 1 3 fire damage per SP spent + 2d6
The Manifest of the Three
Plasma Shield
Wearing no armor means: no defense except for the power of the mind. And it is through learning and constant practice that you can use this mind to form energy into a shield of dense plasma. The shield will absorb 50% of all physical or elemental damage done to any ally protected by it. The spell does not stack. The spell can also not be re-cast prematurely. Note that the shield is stationary and will vanish if the caster moves, since he has to concentrate to keep it up. The shield consists of hot plasma: meaning that any creature within the shield cannot leave and any outside cannot enter. Be warned that an enemy caught inside will do full damage! A creature can force itself through. But if it does, the shield collapses on it, doing fire damage equal to its remaining capacity. The shield will vanish when it has absorbed the maximum damage or when the caster dies: whatever comes first. A Student will start with a small shield, protecting the caster alone. An Expert can extend the shield to protect nearby allies as well. A Master can create a big shield protecting the whole party, as long as they stay close together. Note! the shield works both ways: any physical attack from the inside will do only 50% damage as well. The shield does not stop mind attacks, buffs or any other kind of spell that does not require projectiles or physical weapons.
  Level Name Required Target Effect
Level Bonus-Points Spell-Points
Initiate Small Shield 2 0 4-10 self shield absorbs 5 damage per 1 SP spent
Expert Medium Shield 5 1 10-15 allies in range of 1 field
Master Superior Shield 10 2 15-25 allies in range of 2 fields
The knowledge of telekinesis allows the caster to move small objects without touching them. This includes levers, buttons, and small stones. An Expert can move a nearby object slowly. A Master can accelerate the object, throwing it at an enemy. The enemy will take physical damage (unless it is immune). If the target is hit, there is a chance that it is pushed away. This spell can give you a strategic advantage, for example by triggering traps from a safe distance or by pushing an enemy into an environmental hazard.
  Level Name Required Range Target Effect
Level Bonus-Points Spell-Points
Expert Move 7 1 12 2 1 can move an object (no damage)
Master Throw 13 2 12-30 2 1 70% chance to hit for 3 physical damage per SP spent
when hit, 70% to push target back 1 field
Use Telekinesis to open Locks
With a superior skill in telekinesis you learn to move even smaller objects. An Expert can unlock basic locks. A Master can open more complicated mechanisms. However! Note that your skill will of course not compare to a real master thief! Also you need to have a clear sight of the lock to be able to open it.
  Level Name Required Effect
Level Bonus-Points Spell-Points
Expert Open simple lock 6 1 10 20% of your energy skill is used as dexterity while picking the lock
Master Unlock 12 2 15 30% of your energy skill is used as dexterity while picking the lock
Harm enemy while replenishing your energy
Having studied all there is to learn the master can finally focus on its surroundings to draw energy in instead of spending it. This spell will drain energy, life, and mana from any living creature in sight. Undead enemies are immune. "In sight" means: all enemies in a 45 degree angle in front of the caster. No friendly fire! Half of the damage done is transferred to the caster as energy points. If the caster is at full energy, any additional energy points harvested are forfeit.
  Level Name Required Range Target Effect
Level Bonus-Points Spell-Points
Master Drink of Power 15 3 20-150 6 all in sight 1 damage to health and mana per SP spent
half of damage is transferred to caster as energy points
Primary attributes
Identifies how strong you are. You do 1 damage in addition to your weapon for each 2 points.
Modifies the power of attacks carried out with your second (less-trained) pair of hands.
Signifies how healthy you are. You gain 10 HP and 1/2 armor for each point spent on vitality.
Signifies you magic attack and defense abilities. You gain 10 MP and 1/2 magic defense for each point spent on intelligence.
Signifies how much energy you can accumulate (energy serves as health and mana). You gain 10 EP for each point spent on energy.
Signifies how easy it is for you to resist magic energies. You gain 1 magic defense for each point spent on resistance.
Signifies how fast you can walk and your initiative. You get 1 action/move point for each 2 points spent.
1 move point is added for each 2 points spent when you are sprinting.
1 move point is added for each 2 points spent when you are swimming or diving in water.
Determines your skill to pick locks. Your dexterity will have to be larger than the strength of the lock to open it.
Determines how strong your odem attack is. For each point spent on odem you do 1 extra damage.
Attribute Start Max
Strength 0 0
Strength (second pair of hands) 0 0
Vitality 0 0
Intelligence 0 0
Energy 0 0
Resistance 0 0
Agility 0 0
Sprinting 0 0
Agility (in water) 0 0
Dexterity 0 0
Dragon odem 0 0
Action Pts
Attribute Current Max
Strength 0 0
Strength (secondary hands) 0 0
Vitality 0 0
Intelligence 0 0
Energy 0 0
Resistance 0 0
Agility 0 0
Sprinting 0 0
Swimming 0 0
Dexterity 0 0
Dragon odem 0 0
Against Bonus
Physical 0
Magical 0
Heat/Fire 0
Water/Ice 0
Air/Electricity 0
Earth/Poison 0
Can use the following items
Item Base Stats
Long-range weapons 0
Blunt weapons 0
Axes 0
Swords 0
Daggers 0
Staffs 0
Light armor 0
Medium armor 0
Heavy armor 0
Shields 0
Name Summary
Eagle-eye can see 3 fields further in light AND darkness
Afraid of Water can't learn to "swim", dive or enter deep waters
Experienced Climber malus for moving on mountain terrain is reduced by 1 point
Extra wide Jump jump over low obstacles
Detect hidden enemies detect hidden opponents within 4 fields radius
Hide Hidden from enemies 2 fields away unless detected. +50% extra damage while hidden.
Name Spell-Pts Summary
Call a Pet 4 1 creature per 4 SP spent.
Barricade 2-10 build a stationary wall that prevents melee attacks
Bear Trap 1-10 5 physical damage per SP spent
immobilized for 1 turn
Mental Blow 1-10 2 damage per SP spent + 1d4
Distract 3-9 sleeps for 1 round per 3 SP spent
Slot Equipped?
magical slots require 10 energy as upkeep per slot
You get 1 more slot for each point on strength.
(Strength must be > 0, maximum is 12 slots)
Your Abilities
Your Spell Books